Charles Lee Lesher

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
I have a couple books partially finished. One is a story I am calling Drago's Gold set in 1930, several years before President Roosevelt issued his executive order forbidding US citizens to own gold. In 1934, President Roosevelt signed the Gold Act. The Federal Reserve set the price of gold at $35.00 per troy ounce which was about $15 higher than current market value at the time. This motivated a criminal element to purchase gold from Mexico and smuggle it into the US. My story is about the planes and pilots who flew across the border and brought back tons of gold.

The other book that is about half finished. Evolution's Child - Earthborn is the sequel to Shadow War. It is set a century after Shadow War. It is about Ama, a young woman born and raised in the back-wilds of southeastern America in the late 22nd century. Ama first knew she was different as a young child, when she realized others couldn't remember things with the clarity she could. She never forgot anything. By the time she met Teacher Davis, she knew enough to turn her amazing memory into a ticket out of the fishing village where she was born.
Who are your favorite authors?
By far, my favorite author is Robert Heinlein. I even name one of the main characters in Shadow War after a character he invented, Lazarus. Written in 1973, I don't always agree with everything he espouses using the voice of his character, but respect his right to do so. Issac Asimov, Author C Clark, Jerry Pournelle and a hundred others fill my bookshelves.

For non fiction, I like Carl Sagan and if you insist they must still be alive, Laurence Krauss and Sam Harris.
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