Alex Oriani


Alex Oriani is a London-based writer and journalist with expertise in social media, technology and the world of internet, and has a background as a screenwriter. He's interested in how people develop fixations and how they use technology as a substitute for their social life.

In the new mystery short story collection, STRANGE STORIES, he explores human obsessions and how they can lead you to unexplored and mysterious territories where anything can happen.
The first two Strange Stories are:
Stephen lives a dull life in which he has never taken a risk or chanced his luck. His only passion is reading crime fiction and sucking up absorbing all the thrills he lacks in his life. But one day the stories come looking for payback...
Once upon a time, before losing everything, Ben was a successful man with a fulfilled, happy life. Now, in order to fight his depression, he feeds his hurt ego with social media rewards consisting of daily Facebook likes and comments. But he soon becomes dependent on those rewards and realizes he can't live without them anymore.

Alex's first book is Born To Be Liked, a trawl through the pop psychology, culture and sociology of social networks.
"Don't read this book if you can't take a joke because, if you're honest, you'll recognize yourself in many places in this book. If you don't laugh out loud at least five times, you're practicing social-media self-deception".

Guy Kawasaki
New York Times best seller author, social media guru and tech evangelist.

Where to find Alex Oriani online


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