Pearl Liu


Pearl Liu (Baozhu Liu) born in 1954 in Beijing, experienced three years of famine in 1960’s, the 10-year Cultural Revolution, being sent to the countryside as a farmer. In 1978 she jumped to Lanzhou University, graduate as a Bachelor of Art and started to teach in a Business School until she left China in 1996.

Pearl has been volunteering and doing temporary jobs at different institutions in more than 20 years in the United States, such as a Chinese teacher, a government agency staff, an executive director of multinational corporation, and an income tax preparer. She traveled to Europe, Oceania, and countries in South America. She visited nearly forty states in the United States and wrote a diary of nearly two million words about her ‘battles’ between two different cultures.

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情归来处 (The Return of Love)
You set the price! Words: 3,700. Language: Chinese (simplified). Published: June 17, 2019 . Categories: Fiction » Biographical
本书采用纪实手法,对人物和事件的叙述引用了大量日记,真实地记载了一个平凡的母亲,面对一个智商不高的独生子,如何痛苦地调整“期待值”、确立培养目标、接受各种磨砺,从而使孩子根据自己的能力极限,不自暴自弃,努力踏上自食其力之路。作者追根寻源,从母亲本人的成长经历,探讨和解释奠定她价值观及教育理念的形成基础。在中国生活的四十二年,留给她的最终还是一个普通中国女人对同胞的满满真情。 对异国他乡之旅,作者原封不动地展示了一个华人眼中全新的社会体系和风土人情、难以言表的生存挣扎和不间断的学习。那些故事中的甜酸苦辣,作者尽量不予以评论,意在给读者更大品味和思考的空间。 作者愿意同中国大陆的母亲们、出生在五六十年代的同龄人、那些不认为自己是“天才儿童”的孩子们和每一个为生存而努力的普通人,分享曾经的失败、心痛、感悟和改变。

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