
Smashwords book reviews by bodranplayer

  • Between Octobers on May 25, 2015

    I recently had the pleasure of reading this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it! The story captured and kept my attention throughout. I found the characters, especially the two leads, to be interesting and intriguing. Each of them could have been written as cliches, but instead they were unique and three-dimensional! They were also engaging and at times delightfully unexpected! Too many authors fall back on standard character types for their protagonists, this author avoided that. The story itself was also engaging and intriguing. It had so many truly human moments, ones that I could easily relate to, even though the circumstances were unfamiliar. The characters, all of them, warmed my heart, (and sometimes made it flutter), made me laugh, and twisted my gut! They seemed to be authentic human beings, new friends I was getting to know. The love story between the two lead characters was sweet, hot and sexy, but also realistic and genuine! The entire book put me through the wringer and kept my interest from first to last! It too was sweet, funny, intriguing, tense, dramatic and ultimately captivating. I was sorry when it was over! This author really nailed it and I'm picky! A truly lovely read!