Daliah Boretski


Daliah Boretski is the author of the influential and successful 52-Card Readers Handbook, her first digital publication exploring the ancient secrets of the 52-Card deck. She is also the creator of www.metasymbology.com, a website devoted to the esoteric meaning of playing cards.

In The New Game: 52-Day Cycles of Time, Daliah shows you how the hidden symbolism of playing cards is used to forecast the effects of your karma during seven annual 52-day cycles of time.
Included in this book are 364 predictions - complete with remedial guidance - informed by her unique skills, insights and professional experience that are the culmination of more than 20 years she has devoted to mastering the hidden techniques of the Laws of Cause and Effect -- aka Karma.

Where to find Daliah Boretski online


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