Chantelle Griffin


Chantelle Griffin (originally Chantelle Lowe) was born in Tasmania, Australia and began writing poetry as a form of expression at an early age and wrote short stories in between classes at university. After a few diversions and a career in planning she embarked on the task of writing about a world away from reality.

An agreement with an old friend for each to follow their dreams gave the author the final encouragement to begin bringing a novel to life. As events turned it was with happy misfortune that the author completed the first novel after many obstacles including health. Ever the daydreamer the author now has an exciting novel that takes the reader into a world of sorcery and treachery, a world long dreamed of and no longer forgotten.

Where to find Chantelle Griffin online

Smashwords book reviews by Chantelle Griffin

  • Ink, Inc: a disturbing sci-fi novel on Dec. 30, 2013

    From the very first page I was completely drawn into the beautiful style of storytelling and the fast flow of action. Yet hidden behind all this was an absolutely compelling idea that made me wonder, I love a good novel that makes me think. Jack Heath has very kindly quoted my first impression after having read the novel, “a fantastic story with some very thought provoking ideas and an absolutely brilliant ending… it tied the pieces together beautifully and made me want to cry.” Indeed I found myself trying desperately to hold back a tear, it is certainly a must read for anyone who loves an intriguing story.