Danny Clifford


Thank - you for stopping by

I am a Vietnam War Veteran who served as an Army Airborne Recondo Ranger from 1969 to 1971. I performed reconnaissance missions with a sex-man Ranger team and was also an adviser to the Vietnamese Rangers.

Today I am a Pastor and multi-published author who teaches the Holy Bible. I am fortunate to have traveled during the past 7 years to Ghana, Kenya, Kosovo, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and back to Pakistan teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to be a father and grandfather who enjoys fishing, hunting, and spending time with family and doing God's work.

I am also a retired Master Instructor, 4th Degree Black Belt in the Martial Art of Taekwondo, certified by the World Taekwondo Federation in Seoul, Korea. I was the coach of the State of Maine’s Junior Olympic Taekwondo Teams that attended the United States Nation Championship competitions each year from 1993 to 2002. competing

I hope you read, enjoy, and are blessed, by my books; Lost Behind Enemy Lines - Who Do You Say I Am - and - Enter Thru the Narrow Gate.

You may contact me by email at the ministry email: danny@ziongarden.org

God Bless you,
Author and Evangelist
Danny Clifford


Enter Through The Narrow Gate
Price: $11.99 USD. Words: 73,790. Language: English. Published: May 2, 2021 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts
Dan Engelhardt wrote; I just finished reading your new book, Enter Through The Narrow Gate, and the first thought that came into my mind was what an education I received! You put so much thought and heart into your explanations of the meanings behind countless biblical events, bible passages and thought provoking messages. This is a must read for every Christian. Dan Engelhardt
تقولون إني أنا
Price: $6.99 USD. Words: 22,050. Language: Arabic. Published: July 21, 2018 . Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Life / Inspirational, Nonfiction » Biography » Celebrity biography
(5.00 from 1 review)
كتاب من تقولون أني أنا هو مقابلة صحفية مع ابن الله الوحيد يسوع المسيح. وهي تجيب عن أسئلة لطالما أراد إجابتها الناس لكنهم خافوا أن يسألوها عندما يبحثون عن كينونة الله. أرجو أن تتشجع وتستنير من هذا الكتاب الذي يكشف الحق عن يسوع المسيح وعن لماذا أتى إلى الأرض.
Lost Behind Enemy Lines
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 18,550. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2016 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
This true story paints an explicit picture of being in the infantry boots of a US Army Ranger Team on a mission lost in the jungle of South Vietnam with no radio communication and ambushed by a large enemy force. It reveals the tactics used in Vietnam—are the same we need today, to survive the Spiritual warfare that occurs daily for our soul.
Who Do You Say I Am
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 28,850. Language: English. Published: November 11, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Christian » Suspense, Fiction » Adventure » Action
The Luckiest Journalist in the History of the World receives his assignment to interview none other than the Son of God Himself — Jesus Christ, in Danny Clifford's book, Who Do You Say I Am? The author’s engaging style draws the reader in as Jesus explains what went on behind the scenes and sets the record straight."
Portuguese - Por trás das linhas inimigas Salvo por uma arma secreta
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,070. Language: Portuguese. Published: November 24, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Para sobreviver no Vietnam e voltar para casa vivo, era preciso treinamento de elite e repetição mental do treinamento e relacionamentos verdadeiros. Se nos distraíssemos, falhássemos em prestar atenção, falhássemos, desobedecêssemos, igrorássemos ou esquecêssemos nosso dever, nossas chances de sobrevivência eram muitíssimo reduzidas.
На вражеской территории. Спасенные секретным оружием - Russian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 10,410. Language: Russian. Published: November 20, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Чтобы выжить во Вьетнаме и вернуться домой живым, требуется специальная подготовка, сильная вера в наши действия, моральные и физические тренировки, и настоящие искренние взаимоотношения друг с другом. Если мы отвлекались, теряли бдительность, не подчинялись и пренебрегали приказами или забыли о своем предназначении в этом мире, наши шансы выжить значительно бы уменьшились.
Hinter feindlichen Linien Von einer Geheimwaffe gerette
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 10,850. Language: German. Published: November 12, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Um in Vietnam zu überleben und lebend nach Hause zu kommen, brauchte es Elitetraining, mentale und körperliche Wiederholung des Trainings und wahre Freundschaften. Wenn wir uns ablenken ließen, es nicht schafften, aufmerksam zu bleiben, ungehorsam waren oder vergaßen, was wir tun sollten, sanken unsere Chance zu überleben drastisch.
Iza Neprijateljskih Linija Spašen Tajnim Oružjem - Croatian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 11,090. Language: Croatian. Published: November 12, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Preživjeti u Vijetnamu i vratiti se kući živ zahtijevalo je elitni trening, mentalno i fizičko ponavljanje treninga, i prave odnose. Ako smo ometeni, propustili obratiti pažnju, neposlušni, ignorirani, ili ako smo zaboravili što smo tamo trebali raditi, naš postotak preživjelih znatno se smanjivao.
Ellenséges Vonalak Mögött Egy Titkos Fegyver Megmentett - Hungarian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 10,080. Language: Hungarian. Published: November 2, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Megélni Vietnámban és hazaérni életben arra elit képzés szükséges, mentális es fizikai gyakorlat és valόdi kapcsolatok kellenek. Ha zavarba voltunk, nem figyeltünk oda, nem engedelmeskedtünk, mellőztünk, vagy elfelejtetük miért voltunk ott, nem maradtunk volna életben túl sokáig.
Katika Eneo la Adui Kuokolewa na Silaha ya Siri - Swahili
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 10,340. Language: Swahili. Published: November 2, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Ili kuendelea kuishi nchini Vietnam, ili uweze kurudi nyumbani ukiwa mzima, unahitajika kupitia mafundisho ya hali ya juu, kupata ozoefu wa mwili na akili na kuwa na uhusiano mwema na wenzako. Kama tungeshindwa kuwa makini, kutotii, kupuuza, au kutozingatia nia yetu kuu mahali pale, basi idadi ya kuishi ilipungua kwa kiasi kikubwa.
Зад вражеските линии Спасен от тайно оръжие - In Bulgarian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 11,460. Language: English. Published: October 31, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Повярвайте ми, имаше много неща, които да ни разсейват. Някои от нас се пристрастиха към наркотиците, алкохола, секса, тръпката да живееш на ръба, или към друго, което беше там да ни унищожи. Това беше дори преди да отидем на мисия и да се изправим пред враговете си, змиите, болестите или живеещи в тропически условия животни в джунглата.
وراء خطوط العدو محفوظ بسلاح سري الكاتب داني كليفورد الناشر وزارة القلب والروح - Arabic
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 9,920. Language: Arabic. Published: October 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
امنيتى هي أن يسلط الضوء على المعركة بين الخير (الله) والشر (الشيطان). اجلس وتمتع بهذه، القصة القصيرة القوية. مهمتي هي أن عندما تصل إلى نهاية هذا الكتاب، ان أدخلك وجها لوجه يسوع. وتعزز فهمك لماذا فعل يسوع ما فعله ولماذا انه يحبك ويريد أن يكون هناك علاقة من المفترض أن تغيرك من ,من أنت الآن إلى شخص جديد تماما. أنت الروح، وأيضا الغرض من هذا الكتاب.
Düşman Hattının Ardında Gizli Bir Silah Kurtardı Bizi - Turkish
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 9,200. Language: Turkish. Published: October 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Vietnam’da hayatta kalıp eve sağ salim dönebilmek için seçkin bir eğitim, bu eğitimi zihinsel ve bedensel olarak tekrarlamak ve gerçek ilişkilere sahip olmak gerekiyordu. Dikkatimiz dağılıp odaklanamazsak, itaat etmezsek, önemsemezsek ya da niçin orada olduğumuzu unutursak hayatta kalma yüzdemiz büyük ölçüde azalıyordu.
Зад непријателските редови, Спасени од Тајното оружје - Macedonian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 10,300. Language: Macedonian. Published: October 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Да се преживее во Виетнам и да се врати дома жив, тоа бара добра обука, силна верба, ментално и физичко повторување на обуката, и реални и вистински врски. Ако се оддалечевме, не успевме да обрнеме внимание, не послушавме, игнориравме, или имавме заборавено што треба таму да направиме, процентот на преживеани во голема мера ќе се намалеше.
敌后 保存的秘密武器 - Chinese
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 460. Language: Chinese. Published: October 25, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
为了生存在越南和来活着回家,它需要的精英培训,坚强的信念在我们的培训,精神和身体重复培训,和实真关系。如果我们得到分心,没注意,不服从,忽略,或忘了我们在那里做,我们百分比幸存大大减少。 相信我,有很多事情分散我们的注意力。我们中有些人成了上瘾以药物和或酒精,其他迷上或性行为,而另一些享受生活在边缘的快感。这些都是但几什么为有摧毁我们,之前我们甚至去了一个使命面对什么是我们的敌人有我们或该蛇,疾病,和丛林中的动物.
Sa Likod ng Mga Linya ng Kalaban Nailigtas ng Sekretong Sandata - Tagalog (Filipino)
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 13,770. Language: Tagalog (Filipino). Published: October 21, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Upang makaligtas sa Vietnam at makauwi na buhay ay kinakailangan ang pili na pagsasanay, pang-isip at pangkatawan na paulit-ulit na pagsasanay, at talagang tunay na pag-ugnayan. Kung tayo’y maabala, hindi makabigay ng pansin, sinusuway, binale-wala, o nalimutan ang kung ano’ng gawin, ang bahagdan ng kaligtasan ay lalong mabawasan
În Spatele Liniilor Inamice Salvat de o Armă Secretă - Romanian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,280. Language: Romanian. Published: October 21, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Pentru a supravieţui în Vietnam şi a veni acasă în viaţă au fost necesare pregătire de elită, repetiţie mentală şi fizică a pregătirii, şi adevărate relaţii. Dacă am fi fost distraşi, nu am fi reuşit să fim atenţi, nu am fi ascultat, am fi ignorat, sau am fi uitat pentru ce eram acolo, procentul nostru de supravieţuire ar fi fost foarte mult redus.
Di Belakang Barisan Musuh Diselamatkan oleh Senjata Rahasia - Bahasa Indoneasia
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,580. Language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Published: October 19, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Bertahan hidup di Vietnam dan pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan hidup membutuhkan latihan keras, pengulangan latihan mental dan fisik, dan hubungan yang sejati. Jika perhatian kita teralihkan, gagal untuk memperhatikan, tidak taat, mengabaikan, atau melupakan apa tugas kita di sana, maka persentase kita untuk bertahan hidup sangat jauh berkurang.
Iza Neprijateljske Linije Spašen Tajnim Oružjem - Serbian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 11,040. Language: Serbian. Published: October 10, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
This book tells a very interesting, exciting, and intriguing story of my training, experiences, relationships, and firsthand knowledge as a United States Army Staff Sergeant with the 75th Airborne Rangers in 1969 and 1970, performing reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines.
Prapa vijës së Armikut Shpëtuar Nga Një Armë e Fshehtë - Albanian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 13,190. Language: Albanian. Published: October 2, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Të mbijetosh në Vietnam dhe të kthehesh në shtëpi i gjallë duheshte të kishte përseritje të vazhdueshme të trajnimeve elitë, ushtrimë fizike dhe mendore. Në rast shpërqëndrimit, kujdesit jo të mjaftueshëm apo në rast se kishim harruar ato që na ishin mësuar mundësia e mbijetesës ishte shumë e ulët. Më besoni, kishte shumë gjëra që na shpërqëndronin disa nga ne kishin fituar varësi nga droga,
Dietro le linee nemiche Salvato da un'arma segreta - Italian
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,570. Language: Italian. Published: September 9, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Questa storia vi porterà da guerra fisica in Vietnam alla guerra spirituale che va avanti ogni giorno per la tua anima. Molte domande circa il regno spirituale saranno risposte e la vostra fede saranno rinnovati. La mia preghiera è che si mette in luce la battaglia tra il bene (Dio) e il male (Satana), che sta conducendo quotidianamente per la tua anima, il vero te.
Πίσω από Εχθρικές Γραμμές Σωτηρία από ένα Μυστικό Όπλο - Greek
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 13,460. Language: Greek. Published: September 9, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Το βιβλίο αυτό αφηγείται τη πολύ συναρπαστική και ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία της εκπαίδευσής μου, τις εμπειρίες και τις σχέσεις, ως Λοχίας του Επιτελείο Στρατού των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών με το 75ο τάγμα Αερομεταφερόμενων Δασοφυλάκων το 1969 και το 1970, εκτελόντας αναγνωριστικές αποστολές πίσω από τις εχθρικές γραμμές. Και το 1971, όπου υπηρετούσα ως σύμβουλος δασοφύλακας με τη 2η Διοίκηση Δασοφυλάκων στην
ایک پوشید ہ ہتھیار کے ذریعہ نجات دُشمن کی حدوں کے پیچھے - Urdu
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 15,580. Language: Urdu. Published: June 10, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
یہ کتاب 1969-1971 کے دوران ویت نام میں ، امریکی آرمی سارجنٹ کی حیثیت سے" دشمن کی حدوں کے
Derrière les Lignes Ennemies Sauvé par une Arme Secrète - French
You set the price! Words: 12,100. Language: French. Published: May 13, 2013 . Categories: Nonfiction » History » Military » Military / Vietnam War, Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Christian Life / Spiritual Warfare
Ce libre vous raconte une émouvante et intéressante histoire sur ma formation, mes expériences et mes rapports, en tant que Sergent d’état-major de l’armée des États-Unis, dans la 75e Brigade de Gardes Forestiers à Vietnam en 1969 et 1970, effectuant des missions de reconnaissance Derrière les Lignes Ennemies.
Tras Lineas Enemigas Salvado Por Un Arma Secreta - Spanish
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 12,160. Language: Spanish. Published: May 6, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action, Fiction » Christian » Suspense
Este libro cuenta la excitante historia sobre mi entrenamiento y mis experiencias como Guardabosques del Ejército de Estados Unidos en la Guerra de Vietnam entre 1969 y 1971, cuando llevaba a cabo misiones de exploración Tras Líneas Enemigas. La historia te lleva en un viaje desde la guerra física en Vietnam al combate espiritual que acontece todos los días en tu alma.

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