
derien's favorite authors on Smashwords

Ann Somerville
Latest book: Many Roads Home.
Published June 16, 2017.

Smashwords book reviews by derien

  • I Was an Alien Cat Toy on Aug. 24, 2011

    A well written novel, with amazing plot connecting technology, tribes, legends, strangeness in a strange world (from a human point of view), with moments so touching, that eyes are begging to be let to cry from pure joy of happines and saddnes . It's hard to describe, how such a short story can move human heart so much in such little time. Reader easly get's attached to Gredar and Temin, his tail, fur, kind heart and inteligent mind, all connected in such swift way, that I found myself rereading whole pages over and over again, just to feel and enjoy the mood, scenery, beauty, love, friendship, happines but also terrifying moments, where Temin was a thin hair away from death. Very well written, light to read, yet not simple. It's just amazing how the author could easly mix together joy and fear, in a manner I have never stumbled across. I have to agree with others, this novel just beggs for a sequel, with more Jaeng in it yet not dominated by him. It'd be nice to see a continuation of such a great story of love, friendship, exploring, learning and difficult choices, that have impact on your whole life, yet may seem so trivial.