Emerald Inkwell, LLC

Publisher info

We’re writers, and, while writing is often a very solitary art, we know that a support system of like-minded people is invaluable to any artist. Our interest in the “Lost Generation,” as Gertrude Stein labeled the group of writers and artists who found themselves in post-WWI Paris, has sparked in us the vision of creating a community of our own, a community of writers and artists from the PNW who love where they live and want to show it off to the world.

An obstacle frequently and inevitably encountered by writers, publishing can certainly be a daunting venture. There are so many different pieces involved in taking a book from your laptop to bookshelves around the world: finding publishers and agents, sending out query letters, editing, formatting and design, printing, distribution. And considering the low likelihood of immediately receiving a multi-digit advance on your work if you are just emerging as a writer, it’s a long and grueling process with potentially limited returns on the time and money you invest.

Emerald Inkwell is not just a community, but a publishing company. We’ve embraced the recent growth of self-publishing and seek to eliminate the stigma associated with skirting the traditional route and publishing on one’s own. While the big publishers have significantly more extensive resources, independent publishing can be a very viable option for getting your work out there sooner rather than later. As with anything in life, it all comes down to how much you’re willing to work for it.

Where to find Emerald Inkwell, LLC online