Alexander Ermak


Alexander Ermak is a journalist, writer and playwright; author of short stories, novels, plays and nonfiction. He was born in Novosibirsk. Studied journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Lives and works in Moscow.
Finalist of A. Barsukov's Short Story Contest and the Premiere International Playwrighting Contest. Award-winner of the playwrighting contests From the Web onto the Stage and Personality.
Ермак Александр Николаевич родился в Новосибирске. Окончил факультет журналистики МГУ им. Ломоносова и «Комсомольскую правду». Прозаик и драматург. Финалист конкурса коротких рассказов им. А.Барсукова и международного драматургического конкурса «Премьера». Победитель драматургических конкурсов «Из интернета на сцену» и «Человек».

Smashwords Interview

• Please tell us a little about yourself.
Alexander Ermak is a journalist, writer and playwright; author of short stories, novels, plays and nonfiction. Finalist of A. Barsukov's Short Story Contest and the "Premiere" International Playwrighting Contest . Award-winner of the playwrighting contests "From the Web onto the Stage" and "Personality".
• Have any other authors influenced your writing style?
Of course, there are a number of authors that influenced me. Russian writers is, first of all: M. Lermontov, A. Chekhov, Ilya Ehrenburg, from overseas: K. Vonnegut, G. Meyrink, S. Beckett...
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Триллеры, детективы, расследования
В эту серию вошли книги Александра Ермака следующих жанров: триллер, детектив, расследование...
Short stories
Short stories on love and life both in childhood and subsequently, jocose and amusing
Seven Short Stories
Price: $0.99 USD.
О бизнесе, предпринимателях, карьерах, деловых взлетах и падениях...
The plays
Plays written by Alexander Ermak
Все книги серии "М+Ж" объединяет тема взаимоотношений мужчины и женщины, двух таких разных «существ».
Man and Woman
Men are very private beings. They rarely share what that they really care about. Such is the nature of men: to survive and protect their families, they need to be strong, and, in particular, to look strong. Therefore, they do not cry in public, do not tell their friends and girlfriends about their emotional dramas. Yet they really want to be understood without words, accepted such as they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses. Books in this series will help women understand men better, find the right approach to them, and be happy with them.
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