ryab genura

Smashwords book reviews by ryab genura

  • Our Universal Journey on Aug. 08, 2012

    I came across George sometime in 2010. It was his GFL presentation. I quickly turned it off because it didn't feel right. Later that year in December, I heard his interview with Greg Giles and couldn't believe this was the same man I had heard earlier. It took me awhile to actually figure that out because the GFL video obviously didn't have a big impact on me. After that introduction, I've enjoyed listening to nearly every interview of his and of course supported him by buying the Sydney DVDs as well as this eBook. Maybe not everything, but nearly everything George touches on resonates deeply with me. I couldn't thank him enough for the courage he has to have incarnated to be the person he is. If nothing really transpires or metamorphosizes in the coming year, then we can all laugh and wonder where these crazy ideas came from. We will really have to examine ourselves. But regardless, it cannot be denied, as George says in the book, that we are at a crossroads. Some of us are eager, some are scared and confused, but we are finding balance. What will soon happen is incomprehensible. Thank you George and Cynthia. What a journey it has been.