Tristan Pulsifer and Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson


Tristan Pulsifer is 9 years old and is in grade 4. His family has a houseful of pets! There are eight pets in their family: two dogs, a new puppy, a cat, three leopard geckos and a bearded dragon. The Pulsifer family dogs are called Sophie, Molly and Lucy.
Tristan lives next door to Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson

Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson is the author or co-author of 10 kids' books about getting, caring for and enjoying pets. Among the many beloved pets in her life, past and present, are poodles, dachshunds, Labrador retrievers, cats and fish. She also has a special place in her heart for the neighbors' lizards.
When not enjoying pets, or writing about them, she writes fiction for adult readers, re-organizes her writing space, indulges in home improvement, gardens and fosters for an animal rescue shelter.


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