Bluebolt Art Classics

Publisher info

Thomas Muriuki is a self-trained web programmer and a literature enthusiast. He is an avid reader, a twitter addict. Thomas writes because he is possessed by infinite inspiration. He enjoys helping others, accumulating knowledge and beating the odds of life whenever and wherever. When he is not writing or with a computer, he’s usually on a nature walk, or buried somewhere with a philosophy/metaphysics book.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, definitely! It was quite naive nothing to do with sex, romance or love whatsoever. Actually, it was a children's chapter book which I am yet to publish! It goes by the title "Kabiro's Tragedy"
What is your writing process?
Seriouly and unbelievably I don't have any. I just write from the blues whenever and wherever inspiration hits my mind. Simple.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Bluebolt Art Classics online

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Smashwords book reviews by Bluebolt Art Classics

  • Book 1: A Wizard of Dreams on June 05, 2015

    Robin Chambers has written a truly magical story which can be enjoyed by adults as well as children. For those people like myself who were born and brought up in a very different country with a different language and culture, it was an opportunity to learn a lot about Myrddin and the mythologies surrounding the wizard Merlin as well as getting insights into what it is like to live in the United Kingdom. Gordon's adventures did not let me off the hook! He was born with magical powers and a guardian angel called Zack who helps him develop his special abilities and keep his 'imaginary friend' hidden. He has some funny encounters with bullies, and he helps the boy next door when his father is killed in Afghanistan. He loves learning new things and is always asking questions like "Why can't anyone else see you?" and "Where was I before I was born?" When the family goes to Cornwall, the reunion of Gordon with his sixteen greats grandmother and her beloved Edmund Davenport was very moving, as an effortless flow of events unfolds his ancestry. The findings at Mellingford hall reunite the family in such a magical way that I was drawn into the revelation that his destiny was to become an arch wizard of the highest order. I found the book deeply edifying and stimulating. The story moved at a nice pace, and was hard to put down. It would be crazy not to move straight on to Book 2 to find out what happens next!