Laura S. Kearney


Laura S. Kearney lives in the Midwest and enjoys writing, cooking, and family history. She is married and has three children. She credits her love of fantasy to her older brother who gave her The Hobbit to read at age ten. She has earned an Associate of Arts degree, two Certificates of Completion for writing courses from The Long Ridge Writer's Group and The Institute of Children’s Literature, and is currently pursuing an English Bachelor degree.

Smashwords Interview

What are you working on next?
I am working on the third book of the Lorinathas Adventures series and then I will finish out the last three books for the Stolen Heritage series. After that who knows? I have so many plans I will be busy writing for a long time.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans are the ultimate focus of my writing. They are my happy meter and keep me on the right track. I write with the mind of a reader, telling stories that would have enjoyed picking off a shelf, and as long as the fans are happy I must be doing something right.
Read more of this interview.


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