Michelle Patrice Anderson


Michelle Patrice Anderson, unbeknownst to her, began writing her life story in song.

A songwriter since 2002, Michelle, sometimes unconsciously, mined her life experiences for song fodder.

It wasn’t until she’d pulled her hair out writing the song, Heartview, about her dad; that she realized she had a story to tell. Thus, Rich Farmers was born.

Michelle’s life began on a mostly well-adjusted farm in Minnesota. It wasn’t until she’d cleared her first decade that everything began to slide downhill, rapidly. She was sorely unprepared for the dizzying swerves along Whiskey Road, but somehow she survived them.

Rich Farmers is the story of a little girl who idolized her dad; but found that Dad was utterly human. It is a story about finding her way through it all, and coming out mostly normal.

Michelle has dabbled in many things that have writing and creating at their core: blogging, songwriting, music video creation. She counts among her triumphs being happily married, having two wonderful sons, and gaining wisdom the hard way. She is an introvert who tumbles through life on sharp instinct and a good measure of caution.

When she’s writing, though, she throws caution to the wind.

Where to find Michelle Patrice Anderson online


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