Allu Lancy


I'm Canadian...
I write erotica?
Yep. That about covers it.

Smashwords Interview

Describe your desk
Pizza, Pop, Sushi, Pens, Inks, Papers everywhere... I really need to clean this thing at some point...
When I sit at my desk at school everything is a mess and you can never find anything.
When I'm at home, my bed becomes my desk and I get to work spinning tales.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in the backwoods of Ontario, so most of my stories are filled with nature or animals.
One thing I've noticed however is that even though I grew up here, when I look at those that have grown up with me, and I see little to no similarities.
Most of them are homophobic, biggoted, hateful, hillbilly types, whilst I am a gay novelist. Some of them can't even read or have no interest in anything but shooting the first thing they see while hunting.
Its weird.
Of course, they'd probably call ME weird if they read a few pages of my books...
I've been influenced greatly by the internet rather than the world I grew up in. Since the day my dad handed me my first laptop, (the one I'm using now actually), I've been writing, researching, and learning all I could non-stop!
Read more of this interview.


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