P. K. Blair

Smashwords Interview

Where does your story take place?
In Alaska, but not the Alaska most people think of. Instead of writing about snow and sled dogs or what Alaskans call 'The Interior', I chose to write about the area we call Southeast Alaska.

In 1976 I moved from the Southwest United State where it hardly rains to Southeast Alaska where it rains constantly.
Here is a world of rainforest, islands, totem poles, fish, boats, and native villages. It is an isolated area only reached by plane or boat. Here is where I lived for 29 years and raised my daughters. Ketchikan is on Revilla Island, the southern most port-of-call on the Inside Passage, and receives thirteen feet of rain a year. The forest is so thick it is hard to walk through and everything is always wet. For the first year I wouldn't even touch the moss, and the fungus, growing everywhere, scared me. I persevered and I got to experience an amazing 29 years.
Describe your desk
My desk mirrors the wanna-be-me. It is long and narrow and I'm short and a bit stocky. My mind is fairly organized but a bit messy like my desk. Lots of projects are evolving in my head and the beginnings of stories are lying in piles on my computer desk-top. I have a printer, a can of pens & pencils and a pencil sharpener sitting nearby. A little stuffed monkey sits next to my lamp and admonishes me that I need to work harder.

Would you believe (this is factual) that in addition to the above, right now I have on my desk: Two calendars, note pad with chores I need to do before dinner, 11 reference books, three thumb drives, three pencils, one pen, a story to revise, my ipod, art supply catalog (I do art), and three mugs with pencils and paint brushes. Oh yes, I have a phony skull a bit like Lucy the Australopithecus ... it has USB ports I can use. (P.S. I didn't get the chores done but went for a walk instead)
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