I AM Intercultural

Publisher info

What We Do:
For the Body of Christ, I AM Intercultural amplifies the voices of the marginalized, instructs the powerful, and creates a welcoming space of dialogue and growth for the discipleship and growth of all.
We provide high quality published materials and training opportunities to develop perspectives that enable and enhance Christ-centered cross-cultural communications and interactions. Products are available in print, through electronic media, and prepared for individual or group training sessions. Services include coaching, training, train the trainer workshops, and follow-on opportunities for coaching and dialogue as needed.
Our Vision:
We value reconciliation in the Christian church and seeing the Christian church living with an effective testimony in society around the world. Because we value biblical shrewdness and Christ-like gentleness, we seek to build trust and confidence between our staff and our customers, delivering current, useful, and valued products, and accomplishing relevant preparation for ongoing successful communications in intercultural endeavors.
Our Name:
I AM Intercultural reminds us of Jesus (I AM), who we know in part through His beautiful multi-cultural body, the church. To know Jesus is to know someone who is deeply present in every culture of the world. Additionally, it invites His followers on a cross-cultural journey so that we can also say, as His disciples, that “I am intercultural.”
Intercultural is intentionally chosen instead of multicultural, cross-cultural, or multiethnic. The emphasis is on the back and forth movement between cultures that simultaneously involves the maintenance of the beautiful uniqueness of different cultures and the rich co-created space of life together across cultures.

Where to find I AM Intercultural online