Tracy Alton


Der letzte Sommer
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,410. Language: German. Published: January 18, 2018 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Da ist dieser andere Gruppenleiter im Camp, in dem ich arbeite, mit dem ich gerne etwas Zeit verbringen würde. Wie soll ich spontan sein, wenn ich nicht mal sprechen kann? Aber dann schaffe ich es irgendwie, ihn dazu zu überreden, nackt baden zu gehen… Nun, eins führt eventuell zum anderen. Oder es könnte in einem Desaster enden.
Le dernier été
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,310. Language: French. Published: June 25, 2017 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Cet été semblé être ma dernière chance. Il est tellement sexy qu'à chaque fois qu'il me parle, je reste comme une idiote incapable de placer deux mots l'un après l'autre. J'arrive tout de même à le convaincre de prendre un bain de minuit, nu. Cela nous conduira peut-être vers d'autres aventures.
L'ultima estate
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,270. Language: Italian. Published: March 18, 2017 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
Essendomi da poco diplomata al college, mia madre mi ha detto che è il momento di diventare un'Adulta con la A maiuscola. È il momento di essere responsabili, di affrontare il mondo con il mio nuovo diploma. Ma adesso che ormai ci sono, mi sembra che la mia infanzia se ne sia andata senza che me ne sia accorta. Non ho mai fatto nulla di spontaneo o sciocco. Questa estate è la mia ultima chance.
The Last Summer
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,230. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2017 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » General
As a recent college graduate, my mom tells me it's time to be an Adult, with a capital A. Time to be responsible, to take on the world with my new diploma. But now that the time is here, it feels as though my childhood slipped away without me noticing. I've never done anything spontaneous or stupid. This summer seems like my last chance.
Wilde Liebe 2
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,570. Language: German. Published: October 9, 2016 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys, Fiction » Erotica » General
Die Beziehung zwischen Clara und Rennender Elch entwickelt sich trotz Widerständen von Rennender Elchs Stammesdorf weiter. Nicht akzeptiert von den anderen Frauen und bedroht von anderen Stammesmitgliedern sucht Clara Schutz und Geborgenheit bei Rennender Elch. Dies ist eine sexuell eindeutige Kurzgeschichte mit ungefähr 10.350 Wörtern.
Amour Sauvage 2
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,630. Language: French. Published: February 8, 2014 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys, Fiction » Erotica » General
La relation entre Clara et Elan Courant continue à se développer au sein du village tribal d'Elan Courant. Rejetée et menacée par les autres femmes, Clara cherche en Elan Courant réconfort et protection. Ce livre est un court récit érotique long d'environ 10 500 mots. Il contient des passages érotiques et sexuels destinés à un public averti, intéressé par ce genre littéraire. Il n'a vocation à êt
Amore Selvaggio 2
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 11,300. Language: Italian. Published: February 8, 2014 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys, Fiction » Erotica » General
La relazione fra Clara e Alce che Corre continua a svilupparsi sullo sfondo del villaggio tribale dell'indiano. Rigettata dalle altre donne e minacciata da alcuni guerrieri, Clara si rivolge ad Alce che Corre per conforto e protezione. Si tratta di un'esplicita breve storia erotica lunga circa 11000 parole. Contiene linguaggio spinto e tema a sfondo sessuale. La storia è intesa solamente per adul
Savage Love 2
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,170. Language: English. Published: February 3, 2014 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys, Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America
The relationship between Clara and Running Elk continues to develop against the backdrop of Running Elk’s tribal village. Unaccepted by the other women and threatened by the other braves, Clara looks to Running Elk for comfort and protection. This is an explicit erotic short story of approximately 10,000 words. It contains graphic language and sexual themes. It is meant only for adults who are i
Secret Sauvage
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,780. Language: French. Published: March 11, 2013 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America
Mary Cooper se retrouve dans la situation délicate de femme seule dans le Far Ouest américain. Veuve à un âge précoce et dans l’impossibilité de se tourner dans sa famille restée à New York depuis sa fugue de la maison paternelle, elle a trouvé à se faire engager comme institutrice dans une petite ville. Elle y mène une existence bien solitaire et il lui manque bien plus que la simple compagnie d
Die unartige Stieftochter
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,070. Language: German. Published: February 18, 2013 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
Jack und seine Stieftochter hegten eine heimliche Anziehung zueinander. Nichts Emotionales, eine rein sexuelle Fantasie. Jack hatte es aber nie bei ihr probiert, also übernahm sie die Initiative. Als sie ihn mit ihrem Hintern reizte wusste sie, dass er der kleinen engen Muschi nicht mehr würde widerstehen können. Er wollte sie zu seiner Schlampe machen und er würde hart zu ihr sein. Sie für ihren
Seule à la maison avec ma belle-mère: Fantasme érotique d’un beau-fils et d’une belle-mère
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,570. Language: French. Published: February 9, 2013 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
Après avoir été absent pendant une longue période, Steven vingt et un ans est invité à la maison: son père veut lui faire rencontrer sa nouvelle belle-mère, Meredith. C'est une femme magnifique, et il est clair que son père est incapable de satisfaire tous ses besoins. Il y a une étincelle immédiate entre elle et son beau-fils, et quand le père de Steven part pour un long voyage d'affaires, la te
Segreto Selvaggio
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,940. Language: Italian. Published: January 29, 2013 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys
Mary Cooper vive nella difficile condizione di donna sola nel West. Rimasta vedova in giovane età e non più in grado di tornare dalla sua famiglia a New York dopo esser fuggita per amore verso la frontiera, Mary lavora come maestra in una piccola città. La donna conduce una vita solitaria, e le manca più della pura e semplice compagnia del marito. Tuttavia una maestra rispettabile non può parteci
Wildes Geheimnis
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,750. Language: German. Published: January 8, 2013 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America, Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys
Mary Cooper ist in der schwierigen Situation einer Frau allein im Westen. Verwitwet im jungen Alter und nicht in der Lage, seit ihrem Durchbrennen über die Grenze zu ihrer Familie nach New York zurückzugehen, arbeitet sie als Lehrerin in einer kleinen Stadt. Es ist ein einsames Leben und sie vermisst viel mehr als nur die Gesellschaft ihres Mannes. Aber eine respektable Lehrerin kann nicht zu fre
Savage Secret
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 12,480. Language: English. Published: November 29, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America, Fiction » Erotica » Romance
Mary Cooper is in the difficult position of a woman alone out west. Widowed at a young age and unable to return to her family in New York since her elopement to the frontier, she works as a teacher in a small town. It’s a lonely life, and she misses more than just her husband’s companionship. But a respectable schoolmistress can’t partake too freely of the joys of the flesh, even if she’s still y
Wilde Liebe
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,180. Language: German. Published: November 24, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General, Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America
Die 19 Jahre alte Clara steckt mit ihren Eltern mitten im nirgendwo fest und fühlt sich gelangweilt und einsam. All das ändert sich, als Rennender Elch auftaucht und sie ganz für sich beansprucht. Dies ist eine explizite Erotik Kurzgeschichte mit ungefähr 9200 Wörtern. Sie enthält bildliche Sprache und sexuelle Themen. Die Inhalte dieses Textes sind ausschließlich für Erwachsene bestimmt, die Int
Die Schüchternen Sind Die Perversen: Eine Erotische BDSM Fantasie
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,740. Language: German. Published: November 14, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
Tina Gorden ist eine College Studentin, die ein schüchternes Mädchen zu sein scheint, das Angst davor hat, einen Jungen um ein Date zu bitten. An Weihnachten, während einem Besuch zuhause, fasst sie den Entschluss, einen der beliebteren Typen, in den sie schon seit einiger Zeit verknallt war, zu fragen, ob er mit ihr ausgehen wolle. Als sie schließlich ihren Mut findet, entdecken die beiden eine
Amore Selvaggio
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,650. Language: Italian. Published: November 9, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys
La diciannovenne Clara è bloccata a vivere con i genitori nel mezzo della prateria, annoiata e sola. Tutto ciò sta per cambiare quando Alce Veloce fa la sua comparsa e la rapisce, reclamandola per sé. Questa è una storia dai contenuti espliciti lunga circa 9,400 parole. Contiene linguaggio forte e riferimenti sessuali È diretta solo agli adulti che sono interessati a questo tipo di materiale, do
Amor Salvaje
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,360. Language: Spanish. Published: November 7, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys
Clara, una chica de 19 años de edad, se encuentra en medio de la pradera, sola y aburrida. Todo está a punto de cambiar cuando Alce Corriendo llega y reclama lo suyo. Esta es una historia erótica explícita de aproximadamente 9,400 palabras. Contiene lenguaje gráfico y temas sexuales. Está destinada para adultos quienes estén interesados en este tipo de obras, para ser leído en jurisdicciones dond
Amour Sauvage
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,610. Language: French. Published: October 20, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Westerns & Cowboys
Âgé de 19 ans, Clara s'ennuie et vit une existence solitaire dans la prairie. Tout va changer quand Elan qui Court vient pour l'enlever et la ramener chez lui. Il s'agit d'une histoire érotique courte comportant 9000 mots environ. Elle contient du langage explicite abordant des thèmes sexuels. Elle est seulement destinée pour des adultes intéressés par ce genre de materiel qu'ils peuvent voir dan
The Shy Ones are the Kinkiest: An Erotic BDSM Fantasy
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,140. Language: English. Published: October 15, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM
Tina Gorden is a college student that appears to be a shy girl that is afraid to ask a guy out. One Christmas while home visiting on break, she makes the decision to ask one of the more popular guys out that she’s had a crush on for quite some time. When she finally gets her nerve up both Tina and Gavin discover a dark side of her that neither knew existed. This is an explicit erotic short story o
Gangbangs and Orgies: An Erotic Trilogy
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,280. Language: English. Published: October 5, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
This is a trilogy of erotic stories that take you on a wild and horny journey that will certainly lead you to your own hot masturbation session. Once you delve into these creamy and steamy stories you won’t be able to hold back creaming as well. This is an orgasm inducing set of stories about gang bangs between men and women and one very “feminine” gang bang. Be prepared with your vibrator close b
My Stepmom’s a MILF: A Stepson, Stepmother Erotic Lactation Fantasy
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,160. Language: English. Published: September 18, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
Steven Patterson is a college student that has had a rough couple of years. His mom was killed when he was sixteen, and his dad met a woman working as a cocktail waitress. Steven and Samantha do not get along that well. It is not from a lack of Samantha trying, it is just that Steven does not like her. One night when he is home on break from college his dad has to work late leaving Samantha and St
Home Alone with My Stepmom: A Stepson, Stepmother Fantasy
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,450. Language: English. Published: September 5, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
After being away for a long time, twenty-one year old Steven is invited back home: his father wants him to meet his new stepmother, Meredith. She’s a gorgeous woman, and it’s clear that his father isn’t satisfying all her needs. There’s an immediate spark between her and her stepson, and when Steven’s father leaves on an extended business trip, the sexual tension between his son and his new wife b
The Naughty Stepdaughter
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,110. Language: English. Published: August 4, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
Jack and his stepdaughter had a secret attraction to each other. Not a love attraction, a sexual fantasy. Jack never tried anything on his daughter so it was up to her. When she strutted that ass in front of him he knew he couldn’t resist that tight little pussy anymore. He wanted to make her his bitch and she wasn’t going to play hard to get. She was interested in an experienced man and he was i
Savage Love
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,700. Language: English. Published: August 2, 2012 by Black Serpent Books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Romance, Fiction » Erotica » Historical / America
19 year old Clara is stuck in the middle of the prairie, bored and lonely. That’s all about to change when Running Elk shows up and claims her for his own. This is an explicit erotic short story of approximately 9,400 words. It contains graphic language and sexual themes. It is meant only for adults who are interested in this type of material for viewing in jurisdictions where its sale and enj

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