Thane Keller

Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Fear inspires me. I have to beat our two year old out of bed before he finds something in the pantry to make for breakfast :)

Waking up and starting my day early has always been easy for me (to my wife's chagrin) and being able to see my three little boys with all their energy first thing in the morning is a real pleasure.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I am a full time Army Officer, husband, and father. I typically get up at 5 and exercise for an hour and half before starting my day. When I get home, it's play time until 8pm and then bedtime for the boys and alone time with my wife. Between all the bustle, I can usually sneak an hour or two of writing on on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Read more of this interview.