Phyllis Humby


My passion is writing crime/suspense. While waiting to be discovered as the next – feel free to insert the name of your favourite suspense author – I continue writing the weekly blog, The Write Break, in addition to a monthly smart-ass opinion column, Up Close and Personal, for First Monday magazine.

Smashwords book reviews by Phyllis Humby

  • Genre Shotgun: A Collection of Short Fiction on April 02, 2013
    (no rating)
    I’m not a short fiction lover but every now and then I’m taken by surprise. The diversity and quality of stories in Terry Ervin’s Genre Shotgun earned this book a thumbs up. The collection exemplifies the author’s range of storytelling and excellent writing style. It was his speculative fiction stories that impressed me the most. Anyone can write about the past but Ervin’s greater creative ability allows him to move forward in time while maintaining a semblance of reality through vivid narrative. He uses his gifted skills to answer all the questions that begin with what if... From the intense action of Seconds of Eternity to the mystery of cryogenic preservation in Tethered in Purgatory, Genre Shotgun by Terry W. Ervin II is a great read.