M.R. Zinssar


M.R.Zinssar was born in a factory town in mid-state New York and had a very pleasant childhood, free of worry or strife and certainly not predisposed to writing horror novels and supernatural thrillers. He is, nonetheless, a profiler, not of the human heart, but of its susceptibility to corruption.
"I study dark roots and worms and unpleasant things that leave you feeling queasy when you brush against them. That which opposes your happy existence. That hatred in the darkness. The form and circumstance vary, but the core of it never changes. You have to travel at the edge of life, where things get a mite raw, to observe evil. Like a barn owl, evil avoids the sunlight. Until it grabs on to someone and gets busy. In my novels evil is always very busy, good doesn't necessarily triumph and you'll never complain you didn't get what you came for."


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