April 24, 2024 — Smashwords' Affiliate System is being retired as of May 15, 2024. Learn more.


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About Carving Out A Path
Price: $0.99 USD.

A young shoplifter not only swipes a couple of hand-carved figurines from Ray Davenport, owner of Victoria Square’s Wood U gift shop, but barrels into and injures another Square merchant. Upon his escape, the police are called, but before the ink is dry on the report, the boy’s grandmother drags the would-be thief back to return the purloined items. She’s got an agenda and great expectations.

Before you can start earning affiliate referral bonuses for linking to books at the Smashwords Store, you'll need to create a Smashwords account (or log back in). Once you're in, head over to Account / Affiliate Management to enable the Smashwords Affiliate Marketing Program on your account.

In the meantime, you can learn more about Smashwords, and review the Smashwords Affiliate Marketing Program Documentation and Smashwords Affiliate Marketing Program Agreement (Terms of Service).

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