The Grey Wolf

The Grey Wolf - Part 2
Series: The Grey Wolf. You set the price! Words: 1,720. Language: English. Published: January 1, 2024 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure
A young woman by the name of Kathrin has come to Montana to try and live a calm peaceful life out in a wood cabin in the woods. But despite her best efforts, trouble might be impossible to avoid, and her past is never too far behind.
The Grey Wolf - Part 1
Series: The Grey Wolf. You set the price! Words: 2,460. Language: English. Published: May 10, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure
A young woman by the name of Kathrin has come to Montana to try and live a calm peaceful life out in a wood cabin in the woods. But despite her best efforts, trouble might be impossible to avoid, and her past is never too far behind.