L’Tugurlan Chronicles

Iniquité Vampire; L’Tugurlan Chronicles (Livre 1)
Series: L’Tugurlan Chronicles, Book 1. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 97,890. Language: French. Originally Published: March 18, 2019 by EarthWiseBooks. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
Fans de True Blood, Vampire Diaries ou entretien avec un vampire profiter de l'excitation, l'action et du drame romantique de "l'iniquité" Vampire, réservez l'une des Chroniques Tugurlan.
La Cure: L’ Tugurlan Chronicles (Livre 2)
Series: L’Tugurlan Chronicles, Book 2. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 86,180. Language: French. Originally Published: March 18, 2019 by EarthWiseBooks. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
Rempli d'action, suspense, danger, magie, et un peu d'amour, livre deux des Tugurlan Chronicles, THE CURE, reprend là où le livre I, VAMPIRE INIQUITÉ,l'a laissé.
Vampires et loup-garous: L'Tugurlan Chronicles (Livre 3)
Series: L’Tugurlan Chronicles, Book 3. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 87,970. Language: French. Originally Published: March 18, 2019 by EarthWiseBooks. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General
With a little love and a lot of action and characters you've grown to know and love, Book Three of The Tugurlan Chronicles, "Vampires and Werewolves" will keep you so entertained you won't want to put it down!