The Maestro

The Soprano
Series: The Maestro, 2. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 90,680. Language: English. Published: August 30, 2021 by sea hag books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Romance
Claire has finally confessed her love for the notoriously reserved Sebastien, and is elated to find that he loves her too. But things are more complicated than they seem. They must keep their relationship a secret and she begins to suspect that Sebastien is hiding something from her. Can their relationship survive? (~91,000 words) This work contains sexually explicit content. [bdsm, mmf]
Series: The Maestro, 1.5. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 14,630. Language: English. Published: August 30, 2021 by sea hag books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Romance
Claire’s turbulent first season with the symphony and its aloof conductor, Sebastien, has come to an explosive end—and the next season has already begun. Sebastien takes a moment to reminisce about the past year—from his perspective—in a short series of “deleted scenes” and alternative viewpoint vignettes from The Maestro. (~10,000 words) This contains sexually explicit content. [bdsm, mmf]
The Maestro
Series: The Maestro, 1. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 82,540. Language: English. Published: July 18, 2012 by sea hag books. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » BDSM, Fiction » Erotica » Romance
When soprano Claire starts her new job, she’s thrilled – even if the conductor is as strict as they say. The rumors about the Maestro have been vastly understated; he is not only strict, but brusque and demanding to boot. But is there something more underneath his cold exterior? She wants to pry, but is afraid of what she might learn. Soon she finds herself caught up in Sebastien’s dark games...