The Bimbo Maker

Executive Bimbos
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 18,990. Language: English. Published: October 1, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
Karl Clarke has a problem. His limited supply of the elixir LOT #69 is running low and he has no idea how to get any more. Without the sensational serum, he won’t be able to transform any more willing women into dim-witted, top heavy bimbos, sexual servants who will service his every need and obey his every whim. Looks like it's time for Karl to find more bimbo elixir!
Faculty Bimbos
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,710. Language: English. Published: October 1, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
Sometimes, taking bold action can attract unwanted attention. But when Karl Clarke used his unique elixir to absorb the Tau Iota Tau sorority into his growing harem of willing, docile, empty-headed bimbos he almost got away with it. And he would have done, if it wasn’t for the curious mind and diligent spirit of sexy middle-aged redhead, Elizabeth Jenkins and her bimbo-curious friend Stephanie!
Reporter To Bimbo
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 14,300. Language: English. Published: September 29, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
As a reporter, Jennifer Michaels knows a story when she sees it. So when her friend Karl turns up at college with the top heavy bimbo he introduces as Katie, Jennifer senses that something weird is going on. Feeling as if she recognizes the dizzy airhead with the full, pouting lips and provocative attire, Jennifer sets out to discover what is really going on in Karl’s apartment!
Roommate To Bimbo
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 13,460. Language: English. Published: September 22, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
With Dr. Katherine Wildheart settled into her new life as Katie, a stacked doll who is curved in all the right places and willingly empty-headed, Karl starts to imagine how he might fulfil his dream of taming a harem of girls like Katie, surrounding himself with babes who want nothing more than to please him. But first he needs to get more of the sexy elixir that made Katie the girl of his dreams!
Scientist To Bimbo
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. (Free until March 27, 2025!) Words: 10,570. Language: English. Published: September 15, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
(4.00 from 1 review)
Dr. Katherine Wildheart is young and ambitious, a sexy biochemist with a nasty attitude and a singular ambition: to give women the power to control their own desire. Working with her long suffering assistant Karl, she develops a serum that she hopes will achieve her aims and hurriedly ingests the mysterious elixir herself. But the elixir causes a transformation she could never have predicted!
Sorority Bimbos
Series: The Bimbo Maker. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,450. Language: English. Published: October 1, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
Karl never dreamed that his life could get so good! With a harem of bimbos that is growing in both number and bust-size, Karl is surrounded by top heavy babes who are obedient and devoted to the pursuit of physical pleasure. But Karl's life is about to get even more wonderful when he learns that his recent bimbo convert Jenni was a member of the sexy Tau Iota Tau sorority!