A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant

A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant
Series: A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant. Price: $2.00 USD. Words: 4,090. Language: English. Published: June 24, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » MILF
(5.00 from 1 review)
Leonard is desperate to move out, he's had it up to 'here' with his awful room mates. He's been checking places out, hoping someone will take him in. He works hard, he makes relatively good money, he'll be a good tenant! Still, so many are iffy on renting a room out to a teenager... is he fated to be with those lame-ass loser roomies forever? Well... with one more place to check out... maybe not.
A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant 2
Series: A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant. Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 7,900. Language: English. Published: July 14, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » MILF
(5.00 from 1 review)
It's time to learn, young Leonard... you've been blessed with a juicy blowjob from a red-headed Goddess of a woman. A thirsty woman, a woman with needs... and she needs to teach you a few things, young man. You have had your pleasure, but when will she get hers? You interrupted her, dear boy, she had been tending to her needs when you came and knocked at her door... you will learn of reciprocity.
A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant 3
Series: A Horny Cougar and Her Inexperienced Teen Tenant. Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 5,160. Language: English. Published: August 15, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » MILF
(5.00 from 1 review)
Leonard had a bad day... he's been having several over the past while, and it's all because of work. He gets back home and he's in a dreadful state. He just wants to be alone in his misery, to just go to his room, but Katherine can see that he's bothered, that he's suffering. Her motherly nature inclines her to comfort him, to ease his suffering... is if he were both her lover... and her son...