Bible Character Sketches Series

Women of the Bible: The Victorious, the Victims, the Virtuous, and the Vicious
The Bible has story after story about fascinating women. Women of the Bible, digs into their lives to uncover how these remarkable women rise above their circumstances in a society that pushes them down. Explore fresh insights in this easy-to-read book. It's an excellent resource with stimulating stories that are interesting, informative, and entertaining.
The Friends and Foes of Jesus: Discover How People in the New Testament React to God’s Good News
Do you want to discover how the people in the New Testament reacted to Jesus? Explore how their lives can inform yours? Some people think Jesus was easy-going. Hardly. Everything he did and said sparked a passionate response. He polarized people. Some adored him to the point of dying for him. But those who feared and hated him ended up killing him. If you've never looked deep into both...
Old Testament Sinners and Saints: Discover What These 100 Intriguing Bible Characters Can Teach Us Today
Dig into the colorful characters in the Old Testament to uncover life-changing insights that you can apply to your life today. Be inspired to follow their successes and informed to avoid their mistakes.
More Old Testament Sinners and Saints: Discover 100 Little-Known but Intriguing Bible Characters
Dig into 100 more colorful characters in the Old Testament to uncover life-changing insights that you can apply to your life today. Be inspired to follow their successes and informed to avoid their mistakes.