START - A John Start Thriller

Arrest: Part 6 of Start (Detective John Aston Martin Start Thriller Series, Book 1)
Series: START - A John Start Thriller. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 11,340. Language: English. Published: October 8, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Sent on a murder investigation in Brooklyn, Start finds himself on a plane to Jamaica to thwart the greatest planned heist known to the West. While in the island, everything isn’t irie mon. Someone's after him. He must find out who before a body bag takes him back to NY. Reminiscent of James Patterson’s Alex Cross Series, START explores the wisdom of knowing who your friends and enemies are.
Box Set: Parts 1 to 5 of Start (Detective John Aston Martin Start Thriller Series, Book 1)
Series: START - A John Start Thriller. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 46,310. Language: English. Published: August 20, 2012 . Categories: Fiction » African American fiction » Mystery & detective, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
Haunted by the biggest case in his past, NYC Detective John Aston Martin Start, on a routine murder investigation discovers a plot to rob the Bank of Jamaica. He sets his sights on attempting to thwart the plot to discover that he is the target of an assassination attempt. Who wants him dead? He must stop the robbery and save himself before he is sent back to New York in a body bag.