Reviews of Hammerhead

Hammerhead is the charming tale of a serial killer recounting his crimes. Though his methods may be vicious and gruesome, his motives aren't all that far-removed from the thoughts that go through each of our minds.

Reviews of Hammerhead by Todd Brabander

Ivy Swonder-Adamosky reviewed on July 16, 2012

I really enjoyed this new book! It had bloody details, dry humor as well as relatable human interactions, minus the hammer of course... hopefully. This is my fourth Brabander book and I look forward to see what he comes up with next.
(reviewed the day of purchase)
Lisa reviewed on June 21, 2012

I loved this story! Granted, I have a weird sense of humor and enjoy horror and gore but this also had a few comments to make about society and justice. I'm going to see if the author has other books available...
(reviewed 47 days after purchase)
Margaret Keet reviewed on June 3, 2012

An enjoyable book about a serial killer who justifies his kills by categorizing them - bullies, users and a few others.
Typical of a sociopath he starts on animals and hones his skill in using a hammer as his weapon of choice. You meet the people he comes in contact with and how or why he chooses his victims. There is a moral to the book and karma plays a big role. It's my first book by Todd Brabander and I look forward to reading his other books.
(reviewed 30 days after purchase)
Wendy Justice reviewed on May 27, 2012

I loved this book! Try to think of Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and American Psycho combined into one personality, and you can get the idea behind Hammerhead. Martin is intelligent, charming, very likeable and convincing. He justifies every one of his murders so well that the reader is sure to agree that he made the world a better place. More than a book about a serial killer, though, this book focuses on the absurd and bizarre, with plenty of humor thrown in the mix. It was well-written and a fun, quick read. Recommended!
(reviewed 21 days after purchase)
James Jenkins reviewed on Jan. 21, 2017

Very good writing, but I am not the audience and the vivid pictures are not ones I want in my mind. I stopped reading early, but clearly well written.
(review of free book)
Stormyjmarie reviewed on July 30, 2012

I received this book from LibraryThing. It started right from page one with the action. It kept your interest. It was not just killing for the killing, he had a purpose to why he killed the victims. Go out and read it.
(reviewed 85 days after purchase)
Liza Butler reviewed on June 21, 2012

I found this book very entertaining. I liked how Martin didn't kill just for the hell of it. He had his reasons, helping the victims by killing their abusers. As another reviewer noted, it's like American Psycho. If you liked the movie and/or book, you should like this novella.
(reviewed 47 days after purchase)
Neil Rand reviewed on June 6, 2012

I cannot remember any time where I finished a book in one sitting. This book is kind of a, American Psycho meets Dexter. And since I really enjoyed both books this was really fun book to read that I was unable to put down at all.
(reviewed 12 days after purchase)
Mike Koets reviewed on May 31, 2012

I thought this was a great read. The story brought back memories of long ago injustices that needed to be addressed. It was well written and a fast read, but it ended too soon. It should become a classic.
(reviewed 26 days after purchase)
Mike Casassa reviewed on May 30, 2012

Great book, although a fast read! Just when I was getting to know Martin, the book ended! I want more!!! Although this is a book about a serial killer, it contains humor and life conflicts! I hope Mr. Brabander plans to explore Martin in a little more depth in the future! I would love to read a novel where the main character is someone like Martin, although what is wrong with this picture? Am I asking to read more about a killer? Any WHO!! Great read, although a little short.
(reviewed 23 days after purchase)