Reviews of The Blood That Bonds

Two is trapped: hooked on heroin and forced to sell her body to feed the addiction. Her vampire lover Theroen can lift her from this dark life, but his plans conflict with those of the dangerous elder Abraham, to whom he is bonded by both blood and a long-held promise. Two enters a world of darkness, violence, and despair. She must fight for freedom, both for herself and for those she loves.

Reviews of The Blood That Bonds by Christopher Buecheler

Crescent Suns Publishing reviewed on April 25, 2011

In The Blood That Bonds, we are thrust into a realm that is decidedly not of romance and frivolity as the heroine (Simply named "Two"), who is trapped in the role as a heroin-infected-prostitute and can't escape, beaten and abused by the pimp who "owns" her, meets Theroen, a vampire of no mean power, who falls in love with her and she with him. He turns her into one of the denizens of darkness, but these are vamps with a difference, due to their particular bloodline - up to a certain point in their night-existence these vamps can revert - if their sire dies - completely.
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Ms. Milliscent reviewed on Sep. 26, 2010

I agree that the book could greatly benefit from copy editing and better formatting but it is a wonderful story, and I enjoyed it very much. Fixing the technical errors would move it to five stars in my mind.
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Gina reviewed on July 2, 2010

Pretty good. I hope there is more to the story in the future. Book still needs some editing, but easy to read around it.
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