Reviews of The Lord of the Plains

The city of Astar shines as a lone beacon of peace, free from the constant warring of the inhuman, gemeng tribes of the Plains. Aerlid, a man neither human nor gemeng, tricks his way into Astar with his charge, a young gemeng named Riley. In the human city, she experiences a type of fear and oppression foreign to her, and longs for the freedom of the world beyond the city walls.

Reviews of The Lord of the Plains by Sarah Chapman

Daniel Smith reviewed on Aug. 4, 2014

Great, I really liked the different characters in this book and the diversity, it absorbed me so that I'm still thinking about it. She has a way of getting you attached to her characters, flaws and all.
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nigil reviewed on Aug. 3, 2014

An absolutely amazing tale in a lovingly crafted universe, with great depth and funny at times, very well written and edited.
A very long book, by the wordcount, this story has plenty to tell of a young girl growing up being more different than she knows.
This belongs on a bestseller list, and I am looking forward very much to the sequel.
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