Reviews of Fit for Faith - 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health

Do you need encouragement to lose weight while addressing the whole person? Discover this book that can help you to apply godly principles, nutritional wisdom, and scriptural guidance to achieve your goals. Kimberley Payne is a seasoned personal trainer who wants to bless and encourage others in being fit in every way.

Reviews of Fit for Faith - 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health by Kimberley Payne

Tom Blubaugh reviewed on Jan. 27, 2013

I didn't know what to expect when I began to read this book. I decided I would read it straight through even though it was about physical health. This topic never really interested me until I had a major heart attack in 2004. Since then, my wife has slowly convinced me to take my health seriously. She knew it wouldn't be easy. When we were dating we were in a restaurant one evening. She looked at my plate and asked, "do you ever eat anything red, green or yellow?" I replied, "jelly beans." I was serious. I started reading and I found a very well written presentation of a strategy for good health and spiritual growth. It confirmed a lot of things I'm doing right and gave me good information to improve my health, both physically and spiritually. It is a seven week program with a 49 day workbook. Although a pdf file was sent to me for my review, I purchased a copy for myself. Hats off to Kimberley Payne for a job well done.
(reviewed 2 years after purchase)
rose mccauley reviewed on Nov. 17, 2011

Kimberley Payne has written a book I wish I had read years ago before all the other diet/health books I have consumed! She approaches health from God's viewpoint and helps us see how body, soul and spirit are entertwined with each other. I love the way she begins each day's portion with a prayer and ends it with a Scripture. She also includes many questions and places to record your own thoughts and goals to help keep you on track, and gives an extensive list of books and magazines for further reading and step by step instructions for the exercise program. Whether you are just beginning on your fitness trek or have travelled this road before, Fit for Faith will make an excellent companion on your journey.
(reviewed 4 months after purchase)
Judi Chesshir reviewed on Nov. 13, 2011

“Fit for Faith,” by Kimberly Payne is a fitness guide as well as a spiritual guide too. I like how the author talks about the physical aspects of being healthy and then talks about the spiritual ones. I enjoyed the chapters on Feed your Body and Feed your Soul. This book will help you set goals, and includes a workbook to record your results and help motivate you. The workbook has prayers, myths, facts & tips in it for each of the days. “Fit for Faith,” reminds you to look at yourself through God’s eyes and really see what he sees in you.
Judi Chesshir – Author of “My Finny Fin Fin”
(reviewed 33 days after purchase)
Body and Soul Publishing reviewed on Nov. 6, 2011

I like the fact that "Fit for Faith" addresses not only physical health, but also spiritual health. I am a firm believer that they are intertwined! Not only are there great tips for exercise and eating healthy, but I love the 49 day workbook to help me apply the material. Each day in the workbook includes a prayer, questions to answer (or journal), a myth and a fact about health and then a scripture. This helps to keep me focused on my goals but also on God.
(reviewed 61 days after purchase)
Violet Nesdoly reviewed on Nov. 5, 2011

Kimberly Payne’s book Fit for Faith describes a program that develops both physical and spiritual fitness. This holistic program has much to recommend it.

Payne is a seasoned physical trainer and her regimen reflects her expertise and experience. The how-to section is easy to understand, encouraging, and motivational. As mentioned, the combination of both physical and spiritual fitness into one program makes it one that addresses the whole person. The repetition and accountability that are built into the workbook assignments can’t help but effect permanent lifestyle changes in the person who follows this program for seven weeks. I loved the little fit tips.

The Kindle copy I read would require the participant to use a scribbler or separate journal for the workbook section. (I assume the paper book has a physical page for each workbook page, which might make it more attractive to some.)

The only thing I can think of that would make a book like this more useful to an exercise illiterate like me would be pictures or line drawings of the exercises. My copy didn’t have those, though Payne does describe each exercise in adequate detail.

I think this would be a great book for men or women to use on their own or as a textbook for a seven-week fitness program in connection with a Bible study.
(reviewed 52 days after purchase)
S.E. Gregg reviewed on Oct. 11, 2011

Kimberly Payne has crafted a masterpiece in her book: Fit For Faith- 7 Weeks to Improve Spiritual and Physical Health. This author skillfully combines faith and fitness and marries them together. Helping readers to understand and experience first hand the correlation between the two. A great read for a group or anyone that wants a better spiritual and physical life.
(reviewed 7 days after purchase)
Patches24 reviewed on Aug. 26, 2011

Review by Yvonne Pat Wright
Payne is no doubt passionate that every person who reads her book and takes up its challenge will come away spiritually and physically healthier and to this end she has included in a handy easy to follow manual, all that is necessary to achieve these goals.
If there are books you must have at all times, this is sure to be one of them, not as a casual read but as a guide to achieving spiritual and physical well being and a ready reckoner for maintenance at the end of the seven week programme.
Yvonne Pat Wright, Author of the unique inspirational book. From Spice to Eternity:Discovering the Main Ingredient to a life of fulfilment and Purpose.
(reviewed 24 days after purchase)
Janet Eckles reviewed on Aug. 23, 2011

Finally--— a companion who will walk with us through each step of the tough road to maintain our physical health. A friend who will cheer us on to make correct choices. A mentor to dispel myths and a teacher who places God as the appointed trainer for our soul. Fit for Faith will see many free from misconceptions, insecurities and often self-imposed setbacks. The program has triumph resonating through each step as its insight is drawn from God’s Word. And with obedience, work and commitment, we can expect vibrant, long-lasting physical and spiritual health. Janet Perez Eckles, author of Amazon #1 bestselling, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta, Judson Press, 2011
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
Laura J. Davis reviewed on Oct. 5, 2011

Fit for Faith - 7 Weeks to Improved Physical and Spiritual Health by author Kimberley Payne is an 83 page book that will make you fit inside and out!

Part one deals with exercising both your body and your spirit, giving you goals to set for cardio and strength training as well as spirit training for your prayer life.

Part two deals with feeding the body and the spirit, with goals and strategies that will work. How do you feed the spirit you might ask? On the Word of God!

Part three involves stretching the body and the spirit. How do you stretch the spirit? Through journalling! Kimberley really has covered everything.

Every section of this book (which includes a workbook) has sensible advice and practical tips on eating and exercise and of course taking care of your spiritual life. If you are looking to make a new start and get your entire body both physical and spiritual in top notch condition - look no further - Fit for Faith has it all.
(reviewed 8 days after purchase)
Theresa Jones reviewed on Oct. 5, 2011

With Fit for Faith, you will learn about the 3 main components of physical health: cardio/strength training, stretching and healthy eating. You will also learn about 3 important components to your spiritual health: daily prayer, scripture reading and journalling. Ms. payne explains how to combine these components in an effort to help you develop a healthier physical body, while working towards a stronger faith,

By combining a physical element with a spiritual one she shows us how exercising your body with cardio and strength training is similar to exercising your spirit through prayer. Next she talks about the similarities of heatlhy eating and Bible study, that as you feed your body you also must feed your spirit. Finally we learn that stretching exercises is beneficial to your body as journaling is beneficial to stretching your spirit.

Fit for Faith is a complete 49 day workbook which guides you through 7 weeks of daily prayer, reflection, exercise, healthy eating, fit tips and a Bible truths. Each of these small little steps will allow you to build upon each one and help you to reach your fitness and spiritual goals in a healthy, no-nonsense, no-fad diets way.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author, for review purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
(reviewed 26 days after purchase)