Reviews of An Epitaph for Coyote: A Novel

A lonely clerk, a bohemian bug exterminator, shape-shifters, and the American Dream just before its pants fell down.

Reviews of An Epitaph for Coyote: A Novel by Bryan R. Dennis

Sue Owen reviewed on Sep. 24, 2011

I had a hard time getting into this story. I think my take away from this is that some people have an even lamer life than I do. The story seemed slow to me but for a characterization piece it was pretty good. Dennis gave a good in-depth look at Henry and the type of person he was and how he interacted with others.

However, I found it rather a slow read. Although well written and edited, the plot seemed to go slowly for me and I had a rough time keeping pace. I wanted more action and more interactions, I guess. But I think that was the intent behind this story. Take the slow, meandering wanderer and he eventually becomes everything he should be and thus becomes a whole person.

Insightful and great characterizations saved this book for me. The story was slow but I think the rest made up for it. You have to be ‘in the mood’ for a book like this but worth discovering along the way.
(reviewed 2 days after purchase)