Interview with Amy F. Turner

Published 2016-11-20.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I was a teenager and wrote a fantasy about another world and a girl much like me who is summoned from earth to live in that foreign place. It was the first attempt of mine to actually write down a story. Prior to this I was making up stories with my dolls, but once becoming a teenager I lost interest in playing with such toys. Even now though I do still love stuffed animals. I guess such things never go away.
What do you read for pleasure?
All the time, I read for pleasure. Usually I engage in something found on Booksiesilk or the plethora of paperbacks I have lined up ready to read at any given time. Wattup and Smashwords also have wonderful authors that I am exploring. There is no end to the joy I have in the choices available. I love so many genres, but right now I seem to be reading a lot of paranormal romances. Also, because I have limitless curiosity, I learn from other writers. Different style elements read inspire me to incorporate the same in my own writings. Reading keeps my writing fresh and prevents me from feeling stuck in a rut or suffering from writer's block.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
This experience was the worst summer of my life! I lost my TV privileges due to being naughty. So without TV for the whole summer all I had to look forward to were books given to me by my English teacher in middle school. I had them stored away in my closet thinking one day I would get to them but never had. Without anything else better to do, I riffled through the box of paperback books. Little did I know it would be my saving grace. The first story of any significance that I read was called Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. It began very slowly, but I stuck with it. I didn't give up because it wasn't like I had anything else to do all summer long. In the end not only did I develop a profound appreciation for history but a true love affair was born for reading. To this day, I will take a book over a TV program without hesitation.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I liked the idea that I control my work. In so many ways I am a control freak, but I do work very hard on my writing. It is a passion for me. I live and breathe it. Like a muscle, I exercise it daily. I want to improve and craft the best stories that I can. Even more I want to share this gift. Becoming an indie author certainly helps to this end because I can focus on what matters most, the story and then sharing it on an easy to use platform!
How do you approach cover design?
I try to find a picture that reflects the emotional piece of the writing that helps tell the story and create genuine interest. This can take some time to do to find just the right image, but I try to put myself in the reader's shoes during this process. Would I be enticed to look beyond the cover and discover what more lies in the pages that will follow? It's crucial to choose the right design at first glance to identify the kind of story the book is, and I do take the the process very seriously.
What is your writing process? How does it start?
For me the writing process can start in a number of ways. I may read something that sparks a thought or question that I wish to explore further. It could come about from the suggestion of a friend as well. From there, my process then begins with what type of characters are involved in said scenario. I spend a lot of time here because I must understand my characters to know what they will do and say and how then they will explore and/or drive the plot of my story. I believe character development is very important to bring something authentic about the people I write about come alive.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing for me is when I gather an emotional response from someone touched by something that I have written. It is such an inspiration to me to continue what I do knowing that it makes someone happy, that they might escape for a few hours, or that they may relate in some way to anything that I have written.
What do your fans mean to you?
Fans mean more and more to me everyday. They keep me going when they have encouraging things to say about anything I have written. They really motivate me to keep going.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
When not writing I am reading. If not reading then, I'm binge watching a favorite TV show. I love Once Upon A Time, Lucifer, and The Strain at the moment. I also enjoy the outdoors and feel inspired by nature. I love traveling as time allows for there is so much to do in see across the United States and so I try as often as I can to see a new place and experience the way of life in that area. It helps with my writing to give me a fresh prospective to see how other people live in other parts of the country.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I am motivated each day by bills to pay like anyone else. However, beyond that, I love the opportunity of learning where my writing will take me. I usually do a little of this daily even if it is no more than a poem or 500-word or less short story. I really like these challenges for me because they make me practice editing my work to chose the best words to convey whatever message I wish to relate in a concise but powerful way.
Describe your desk
My desk as described by my husband anyway is a perfect storm of story scraps written on note paper, books, post-it, my favorite pen, a small lamp, my trusty laptop, tablet and phone. Yep, it is very busy, before my favorite picture window of a gorgeous view of my front yard. Hehe, it works for me to operate in such chaos!
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