Interview with Aaron J Clarke

Published 2013-08-22.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in North Queensland whose congenial people and climate shaped me as a person and most importantly as a writer. For instance, during the protracted wet season, which occurs between December and January, I spend my days voraciously reading novels by writers such as Henry James, Edith Wharton and Charles Dickens.
When did you first start writing?
At the age of twelve, I started writing a sci-fi short story inspired by the American television series ‘V’; however, it was a pale imitation, and so I stopped.
What's the story behind your latest book?
I always wanted to emulate the American novelist Henry James. I love his sophisticated style and the erudite nature of his novels. As a consequence, I was inspired to write a queer version of James’ ‘The Golden Bowl’ in which a rich mother and daughter are seduced and manipulated by gay men. Therefore, I started writing ‘Before the Fall’, and in a way I felt as though James was speaking to me, guiding and helping me in the process of writing.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Disheartened by the numerous rejection letters from traditional publishers, I decided to become an independent author with a means in which to establish an audience for my work. Moreover, ‘Smashwords’ has enabled me to connect with readers whereas previously that would have been impossible without a contract with an established publisher.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords’ distribution network and multiple eBook formats are an ingenious way in which to promote and sell my work.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
My greatest joy is when I write something, which is elegant and sophisticated and not shit. Writing is an obsession to which I’m happily addicted.
What do your fans mean to you?
They mean everything to me. Without them, I have no one to give me an honest opinion on my work and how best to improve it.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
When I’m not writing I read, listen to classical music and watch classic movies. Also I go on long walks in order to keep fit.
What is your writing process?
I start writing late at night when no one can disturb me, and I try to jot down a couple of hundred words. Then I reread what I’ve written and correct any mistakes.
How has your mental illness affected you as a writer?
Being Schizophrenic is a mixed blessing as it has helped my creativity yet, at the same time, my imagination is all consuming thereby hindering my ability to relate to real people.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
That’s a hard question to answer as there are many books that I absolutely love. Anyway here are some of my favourites:
1.‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens because the guy whom I liked was similar in nature to the cruel Estella in Dicken’s novel.
2.‘The Portrait of a Lady’ by Henry James because the heroine is mistreated in a similar way to how I was treated by the guy I liked.
3.‘The Picture of Dorian Grey’ by Oscar Wilde because of the subtle homoeroticism employed throughout the novel and price one must pay for living a hedonistic existence.
4.‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez because he blends reality with fantasy in the South American tradition of magic realism.
5.‘Orlando’ by Virginia Woolf because this novel is unique in that the protagonist lives for hundreds of years and transforms into a woman.
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