Interview with Babatunde Oladoke

Published 2020-06-10.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing in 2011, but Beyond Black is my first published book.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Nigeria, West Africa. Born into a middle class Western Nigerian family, I was raised to work hard, tell and do the truth, because that's what decent people do. I believed all that, still do, but began to notice that people advocate and ask for truth, yet do not expect or respect it. Dishonesty and institutional corruption became steadily rife. Nigeria, like most of Africa and some other so called third world {developing} countries, is rich and blessed with resourceful and resilient people, but plagued with thoughtless leadership. So I wrote Beyond Black to question status quo and get people thinking.
What's the story behind your latest book?
"Beyond Black" is actually my first published book. As the title suggests, I think the world needs to see beyond race and skin colour. I am a black African male, so I thought my charity, as they say, should begin at home, otherwise I'd be a hypocrite. Truth is race is still a big issue - some people think they are superior to others and some seem to have accepted that they are inferior, because of their race and skin colour. I felt the need to address this agelong distorted reality on both sides. Skin colour and race, or any other factor for that matter, should not put a ceiling on anyone's destiny in life. So I chose to talk to those who have been multi-generationally passed off as inferior so they could start to speak for themselves, as opposed to speaking for them, while they remain voiceless. "Beyond Black", I hope, will provoke everyone to start thinking for a change.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I became an indie author because I am on a mission to TALK to Africans and any other group of people who have been historically and generationally passed off as inferior; not SPEAK for them. I know there are many people and organizations doing the latter, and I applaud their work, but I think it's high time someone TALKED to them so they could start to SPEAK for themselves. Being an indie author also gives me an unfettered and uncensored control of my message and content in order to flip the script, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Writing is like giving my thoughts a voice. It helps me impart knowledge, not just information. I'm always looking to add value to people and things, writing affords me a viable platform to do that. I feel valued when I see value added to those who have been influenced by the thoughts expressed in my writing. Writing gives me joy, because I get to express my thoughts and views my way, but the greatest joy is knowing that I have helped someone on their way to becoming who they were created to be as I also strive to become whom I am meant to be.
How do you approach cover design?
I believe a cover design should be clean, uncluttered and cohesive; ... less, they say, is more. Each design element, including colour choices, must say something and connect to the others. I know they say not to judge the book by the cover, but the cover is the first part of the book people see and it is, I'm afraid, what the book is judged by. So the cover has to attract in a meaningful way that arouses a prospective buyer's curiosity.
What are you working on next?
I rested my blog - - a while ago, because I felt the need to re-imagine it for scope and content. So I am in the process of launching a new website with a blog, to reach a wider audience and promote my books. I said 'books' because I am also working on my second book as we speak.
Who are your favorite authors?
John Maxwell
Neale Donald Walsch
Nancy Otberg
John Grisham
Max Lucado
Robert Ludlum
Chris Tiegreen
David Jeremiah
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I see every day as a brand new opportunity to improve and get better. As I improve, I strive to help others improve; as I get better, I aim to help others get better, that way everyone improves and everything gets better. I get out of bed each day looking to add value to myself and anyone in my sphere of influence in any way I can as much as I can.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I teach, coach and mentor, so when I'm not writing I'm reading to improve and update myself. I also deliberately create some down time for family and leisure to avoid burnout. Me time is absolutely essential too, so I shut down periodically to recharge spiritually. I don't live a regimented life, not in the strict sense of the word, but I would say my life {and time} is loosely structured yet flexibly organized.
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Books by This Author

Beyond Black
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 44,060. Language: English. Published: May 29, 2020 . Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Motivation & inspiration
Every healthy person is blessed with the capacity to think and is therefore capable of thought. The difference is the willingness to think and the quality of our thoughts, not race or skin colour.