Interview with Rosa Temple

Published 2015-06-06.
What do you read for pleasure?
Being a writer of romantic comedies and Chick Lit I tend to read the more literary side of Women's Fiction when I can. Women are deep, well rounded people and we have lots of dimensions to us to explore. While it's fun to be engaged in something that is laugh out loud or light, it's nice to have a good cry or a case to resolve once in a while. So I like to curl up with a good thriller, mystery or historical romance by a female author. I do read other genres, too, and books by male authors, but I tend not to go for sci-fi or fantasy on the whole.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I think the biggest motivator was being able to be my own boss. But as an indie author I do appreciate that there is no way you can bring a book to your readers without a lot of help along the way. That means editors, proofreaders, book cover designers and all the great people you can bounce your ideas off.
Being an indie author does allow me to bring out a book when I want and not have to chase after the elusive agent or publisher willing to give me a chance. A lot of great writers fall by the wayside doing that.
Also, nowadays, readers have more respect for the indie author. There have been a lot of successes and people realise now that there is quality writing out there and support is good.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
My greatest joy is when a story comes together at the end. Sometimes I might have had the tiniest hint of an idea for a story. I like how the idea evolves and takes your mind to places it might not have otherwise ventured. It's a great feeling to look at a piece of finished work and say, 'I did that'. Even better when someone pats you on the back and tells you they were really entertained by a story you created.
What do your fans mean to you?
Fans are everything! Why do we write if not for them? It's true that writing is a solitary pursuit in the stages where the creating takes place. You go through a lot of procrastinating and self doubt. But in the end a writer isn't writing so that she can sit and read her books and not share them. It's that sharing that is thrilling. Scary too but fans make it all worthwhile.
What are you working on next?
Since my first novella, Sleeping With Your Best Friend, I wrote a novella trilogy called, Natalie's Getting Married. I'm at the editing and proof reading stages of that project. I will publish the trilogy later in 2015 and I will shortly be starting a three part, novella series about experiencing love the second time around.
When did you first start writing?
Like most writer I started writing stories as a kid. It was one my most favourite things to do. But I never really took it seriously until adulthood. My mind was always full of ideas so I went out and bought a notebook. Back then, though, I wasn't thinking about publication. Writing was like an itch I had to scratch.
Who are your favorite authors?
Well, I like lots of people for different reasons. But I'd have to say Adele Parks is way up there. To be honest I like to read books by new authors and people not so well known. As long as the story and writing style grabs me, I'll read it.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
To be honest, marketing is not my strong point. As a newbie I have a lot to learn. But I would have thought that communication was important. By that I mean how we go about talking to our readers about out books. One of the first things I've done is ask for the help of book bloggers to read and review my book. What better people to communicate what you do to the readers who like your genre. There is nothing like word of mouth to help spread the word. That is how a lot of the books you read inspire you to read them - someone else told you how good it was!
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My Kindle. I'm kinda hooked on it at the moment. It's usually in my bag or on my bedside table. I recently bought a small keyboard that I connect to my Kindle by Bluetooth so I can write on the go as well as read. Pretty cool, I think.
Describe your desk
My desk - well where do I start? It's big and faces a window. I tend to stare out at the trees a lot when searching for ideas. But my desk goes from looking like a waste paper basket to one belonging to an executive. There are always different piles of notebooks, files, printed manuscripts, pens, pencils and miscellaneous mail on my desk. There is usually a drink of some description on a coaster - non alcoholic. (I've never tried drinking wine while writing but I'm sure it works.)
I have an in-tray but it gets neglected an awful lot. I've got family pictures in front of me and cork boards with notes and reminders on both sides. Apart from my desk I could do with a secretary - but that's never going to happen.
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Books by This Author

Sleeping With Your Best Friend
Price: Free! Words: 22,110. Language: British English. Published: June 30, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary
(4.50 from 2 reviews)
A funny, sexy, romantic comedy novella. When Lori receives devastating news about her husband on their wedding night, she ditches him and returns to London in the hope she can move on. But when she accepts advice about how to get over her heartbreak, Lori's life slowly spirals out of all control and she learns the hard way that seeking revenge isn't all it's cracked up to be.