Interview with Sharp Teeth Publishing

Published 2014-12-04.
What is your writing process?
I really don't have a process per say. Well, I just kinda let things flow naturally. I'm one of many who have a vast imagination. To me, everything can be a story. So if I have an idea, I jot down some notes and kinda stew on it for a while. Sometimes something will come to me, most times not. If I do get an idea, and it isn't clear, I just take my time to develop the idea. Hannibal took a year to come to fruition.
Describe your desk
My desk is pretty simple. I'm not sure if I'm old fashioned by today's standards, but I still work from a desktop. I'm not opposed to laptops by any means, but I work best at home, so my computer is stationary. On my right sits one vice, on the left is the other. I won't tell you what they are, but you can guess. I do have a pen, a note pad, and sticky notes. Close by is also my Chicago Manual of Style. Depending on what I am working on, it comes in handy. There it is; my desk, clean and clutter free.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Denver, Colorado. In my early writing I'm not sure if my home town had much to do with my writing because growing up, I always thought that Denver was quite boring. I was a kid and had no idea that I live in an amazing town. I didn't know how amazing it was until I left for a while. But my town didn't really influence my writing until I realized that I could use the places that I was familiar with in my stories. Kyndle is based right here in the Denver area. Places that I have eaten and partied in are in this book, that is why it is close to my heart.
What do you read for pleasure?
Simple answer to this question? Books. I love two genres. Romance and, Paranormal. Paranormal always catches my attention these days before Romance, however combine the two and you definitely have grabbed my attention. But really, I'm attracted to an awesome story, so I really don't have a specific thing that I read. I have read lots of awesome books in several different genres. A few years ago I found that I am also attracted to Historical Romance.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I am a huge fan of the nooK. I have my first generation and it is still going strong after many years. The cover I bought for it isn't fairing so well I'm afraid. Things have changed so much over the years. I can read on my nooK, on my computer, and on my phone. I really don't have a preference now. Just so long as I can grab a cool book, I am most happy.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
My imagination goes non-stop. I could be talking to a friend about anything, and boom! An idea hits me. So start a new story. Not all of them have taken off into a full novel, but some have. My greatest joy of writing is knowing that I can entertain a few people at a time with with the ideas in my head.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
If I didn't have Smashwords, I would have been running around trying to find out how to get my book on everyone's website and publishing house. When I found Smashwords, I was happy because It was two things I wanted. Free, and they would distribute for me. That made me very happy. I am no where near some of the more successful authors here, but I get a my sales, and to me that is success.
How do you approach cover design?
I try to convey the story or a feeling on each cover, as I'm sure most authors do. Recently, I discovered that the more vibrant and colorful your cover is, someone will stop by for a look. I updated the cover for my novel, "The Thorns", and I got more views. I am a paranormal romance writer, and I really don't want my novels to be lost amongst the bare chests of muscular men that are all over the place, but generally I try to go for the feeling verses the story. I recently changed one of my most less transparent covers. Originally my "Clash" cover was about Nikolai's personal struggle within himself, and the cover said that. Time has passed and it is time for something new. Now the cover of Clash is simply four men in silhouette. No faces, no trendy clothing. Just four guys. I'm hoping this conveys the love I intended it to be.
What's the story behind your latest book?
That is quite unfair, this question. Since I am releasing two very different stories at the same time, your question is difficult, but I will try to answer. Kyndle is a collaboration based in my very home town. Starbucks, La Loma, the Art Museum, and Jazz @ Jacks, are places that I have been to and love very much. If you are inquisitive, you may just run up on me in one of these various places in real life and it may be as soon as tomorrow. White Boy is total fiction based on a place that I have yet to visit. Napa Valley. I love wine and based my story on one of the most famous wine cities in the nation. I wanted to show in White Boy that all are human. You know what I mean?
What are you working on next?
Once Kyndle and White Boy are published, I'm going to take some time off and work on a series that has been a part of my life since the beginning. I am fighting the urge to write the next book in the Baby Farm Series (Yes, there is one more coming), because I have to work on my roots, so to speak. The series has a total of six novels, and they have just been sitting while I ventured off into the world of the paranormal. The series is the very thing that I cut my teeth on. I finished the first book when I was in 11th grade, and put it away. One day seventeen years later I had a very vivid dream, came home from work and began the second novel. That was way back in 2000. I believe I finished the last of the six three years later. I was a novice back then, and my writing has gotten better. I read the first one and, it was hideous. So hopefully by December of 2015, I will be able to release at least two of the series. I hope you all stick with me until then.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.