Interview with Kamil Ali

Published 2014-01-14.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
My first story was, 'The Little Engine That Could'. It inspired me with its message of optimism and strength to overcome hurdles. This little lesson has remained with me since my early childhood. I have continued apply this concept with practice, age and experience, for application to life's circumstances.
How do you approach cover design?
The appeal of a good cover design grabs the attention of bookstore browsers, as it competes with other literary works on display. I have chosen cover art that connects with the theme of the book's contents and the blurb on the back cover.
Describe your desk
My desktop is seldom clear for more than a day. My mutli-tasking ability gives me the opportunity to work at several tasks at the same time. This allows my writing to remain continuous, since I can slip into other current projects without downtime.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Georgetown, Guyana and attended Saint Stanislaus College, where I participated in School Plays and Elocution Contests. These activities bolstered my confidence in The Arts and eliminated the fear of public speaking and writing.
When did you first start writing?
Writing does not have a demarcated starting point. I started writing weekly essays in High School as part of the English Curriculum. I continued to progress to higher standards with each assignment and enjoyed comments from readers. I arrived at points in my mind when I was ready to take the next step. Profound Vers-A-Tales was published in 2008 and The Initiates, in 2013. I have also become a contributing writer once a month for the Indo Caribbean World Newspapers in Toronto, starting 2013.
What's the story behind your latest book?
The Initiates tells the story of a Latvian criminal lawyer named Karlis Stucka, who meets Satan's First Dark Angel. The Dark Angel introduces himself as Lucerifus in human form. Karlis experiences an evening of terror, as he is taken through the intense and rigorous boot camp training by Lucerifus, to become the Antichrist. He is mandated to build an army of Devil Worshippers, in preparation for the second coming of Christ.
What are you working on next?
Aside from my monthly newspaper article, I am currently working on two novels. The Order of the Mirror, the second book of The Appointed Collection in the fantasy thriller/paranormal occult genre, should be published within the next year. I am also working on a novel called, The Beggar, which is based on the poem by the same name in Profound Vers-A-Tales. This novel is a work of drama.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I spring out of bed at four every morning and write until seven. I believe the brain is like a computer. It does a backup and clears the circuits every night for a fresh start each morning. I have a general theme laid out for each novel but like the reader, I let the story take me through the journey of twists and surprises. My passion for creating entertaining reading energizes me with its purpose. I love this quiet time to call my own and receive inspiration.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I wrote many stories in essay form in High School. However, the one that stands out in my memory is called 'My Second Date', which I wrote for my GCE O'Level (University of London) English Exam at age seventeen. I received a distinction (highest mark) for my story, which solidified the platform of self belief and confidence in my abilities as a writer.
What do you read for pleasure?
I read books of every genre. Even though I have favorite authors, I am not limited to their works. I like to give new authors a chance to captivate me with their talent. Stories on the edge appeal to me. I also enjoy playing crosswords on my tablet. This helps to pass the time when I am in a plane or other places where I am confined by space and time.
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