Interview with Kimarie Hosea

Published 2020-09-19.
What is your writing process?
When an idea is stuck in my head, I usually purge it out by writing whatever comes to mind. Then, over time, I revised it and lengthen it into a story. It really doesn't matter to me how long or short that story is. That is why I created a collection of shorts and short stories and a novel.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, the first story I wrote was a composition on Hurricane David, August 29,1979. My dad assisted me in writing that story as I wasn't alive when it struck, my home island of Dominica. I wish I had a surviving copy to post for free.
How do you approach cover design?
The main theme of the story is naturally what I want to emulate in the cover design. Sometimes I go through several photos, since I am not very artistic, in terms of drawing or painting, before I get the one or ones I want to use. (This where my younger siblings are used to help me decide, much to their annoyance). Other times, I find the one I want straight away or picked from what I have already. I am constantly deleting and adding photographs on my poor tablet. I use an app to help me bring my ideas to life. My graphic design skills have died a horrible death when I lost all my graphic programmes and became restricted in the usage of my dominant hand.
What do you read for pleasure?
I have to answer this question by genre. So I read romance (historical, modern, medical, urban etc.) science fiction, religious and certain graphic novels. I am very discerning about what I read for pleasure. Sometimes, what I read influences how I behave and how I write. The power of words should not be underestimated and I try not to do so.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My tablet and my phone. Both are Asian made and have lots of space. (winky face)
Describe your desk
My desk is wherever I find inspiration and absolutely have to write, so it could be my bed, the public bus, my actual computer or my dining table. There is no specific place.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grow up on the nature island of Dominica, official known as the Commonwealth of Dominica which is in the middle of the Caribbean. My stories are all about island life because these stories are not commonplace. The island is also racially diverse so therefore, my stories also reflect that. It is also is a former British and French colony so that has a major influence in how I speak and write and colloquial terms used.
When did you first start writing?
A very long time ago probably in the late 1990s or early 2000s. I was in primary (elementary) school. I have done so continuously though, so don't look surprised by that. I resumed writing in 2017 after taking a leave from writing for nearly 10 years after graduating from secondary (high) school. Yup, that an awfully long time. Believe me, I know.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I had two motivators (1) the fact that I can do it and (2) because the traditional way of publishing was not readily available to me.
What are you working on next?
I am writing the sequel to a short story that I have written. I am hoping to publish the two together at some point in the future.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I am hanging out with my parents, or I am doing my side job or traversing the forest or experimenting on a recipe I found on Tasty.
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