Interview with Lance Llyn

Published 2016-07-05.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords provided me with a very user-friendly system to take my story and turn it into something other than a simple Word document on my computer, a variety of ebooks through which I could share my story. While I enjoyed the pretty looks I was able to apply to my story in Word, the story sat on my computer and not in the hands of the readers, where it belongs.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
There are so many elements of the writing process that captivate me. Perhaps one that I have found most fascinating are those moments that, as I write, the story takes a turn where even I, as the author, do not know where it is going. This makes writing that much more exciting as writing and seeing the story unfold is almost the same as reading and seeing the story advance.
What do your fans mean to you?
A story untold is a lost memory, a lost piece of history. Fans take the story and spread it, ensure that it stays alive and, if it is worthy, grows. No successful artist of any kind is a success without fans, those who are willing to invest their time, their intellect, and their curiousity to the efforts of another. Were it not for fans, I would simply talk to myself and save myself the time.
What are you working on next?
The second book of The Home for Wayward Girls Trilogy, Perfectly Flawed by Love, is progressing. Hopefully it will be available in 2017. This story accounts for the deeping D/s relationship between myself and my personal assistant and secretary, yvette. It also details the progress of The Home and those first girls that became guests following The Home's opening.
Who are your favorite authors?
The shelves of my library are lined with such a diversity of books, genres, and styles that it is very difficult for me to pinpoint a single or even a Top Ten list of favorite authors. In truth, I go through phases where a particular "flavor" will attract me where only certain authors will fulfill my needs - feeling horrible, in comes Stephen King, Dean Koontz...feeling historical, Wilbur Smith, Ken Follett...feeling nostalgic, Dickens, Shakespeare, Seuss. All depends on the mood.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I started writing variations of movies or variations of stories my father told me as a child. I do not remember what grade I was in during elementary school but I remember rewriting an account of the British pursuit and sinking of the German battleship Bismark when I was perhaps in 2nd grade. Okay, so some of the account may have been illustrated but I WAS in 2nd grade.
What is your writing process?
I write long hand on a yellow legal pad first. If I can sit for two or three hours I can usually push out eight to ten handwritten pages. I then type these pages up and let them sit. When the next chance comes, I move along from that point. I found with this book I wrote sections out of order and rearranged them that the story perhaps made more sense than as I first told it. In the end, when the last paragraph was written, the time to reread and edit came...and reread and edit and reread and edit I did. It's not for everyone but it works for me.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I do not remember the first story I read - I do remember my reaction to my mother trying to teach me to read. I hid in the bathtub. I refused, I refused, i refused until I decided I wanted to read. When that happened, when it was on my own terms, I read. Books showed me there was a much bigger and far more interesting world than the small town in Massachusetts in which I lived.
Describe your desk
On my lap, small, cushioned bottom, easy to move wherever I need it. Or any table I can get my hands upon. Or even a clipboard sometimes.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
I have been a Nook man from the beginning. I no longer own a Nook but have the Nook app for my laptop, iPad, iPhone, and Galaxy Tab S. Love Barnes and Noble.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.