Interview with JR Robberts

Published 2016-11-29.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Pretoria, South Africa but was not at home most of the time. I was placed in a boarding school from Grade 1 and yes it did influence my writing. I write from experiences and like many other people my past is not a very pleasant one. But it's also important to note that it does not define who I am now, I became a better person and a better writer because of my past.
When did you first start writing?
I started at a young age writing mainly poetry and later on when I went to high school I started playing around with stories but I have always had a vivid imagination and a way with words.
Describe your desk
If I had to describe my desk I would have to be honest and say organized. I simply can't work around a mess but when it comes to coffee cups you are likely to find more than one around.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Writing has always been my passion and being an indie author means I get to write what I want and how I want. I am not saying that i will never go the published route but for now I remain humble in my writing and aim to write what is relevant in this day and age.
What do your fans mean to you?
I love them. They are so important on so many levels. If I could meet them all in person I would, most of my fans have brilliant stories to tell, stories that inspire me to be a better person. Yeah, they are great.
What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest book is very personal. Although the stories in them are fictional, the experiences are not. I do not like labels or people who simply sticks a name to someone without knowing them personally. I didn't sugar coat it at all. It has a lot of my own experiences in there and covers topics surrounding autism, mental health issues and addiction to name but a few. I also praise the single parents in this book because raising kids on your own is tough and people often don't realize just how tough. I wrote it to reach just one person and give them hope so they can pay it back by reaching out to someone else.
Who are your favorite authors?
If I had to pick just one it would be Mark Behr, he wrote a book called, The Smell of Apples and as a child, growing up that book spoke to me. Other authors I like is Christine Pope, she wrote the Witches of Cleopatra Hill series and I really admire the amount of work she does. Others are Stephen King, David Gemmel, and Nora Roberts.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I think the greatest joy is the feeling of accomplishment you get when the work is done and ready for the world to see. Just knowing that someone else is interested in what I have conjoured up is an honour.
What are you working on next?
My next project is a paranormal thriller set in South Africa. I hope to have it out early next year. I am also working on another book set for mid 2017 but can't disclose too much on that for now.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Life is good and yes there are times that life does suck, I mean we all know that but getting out of bed in the morning is my way of showing life the finger, saying that I am better than the depressed person I could have been if I stayed in bed. I live with depression so each day is a challenge but when I write it clears my mind and to write I have to get up.
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