Interview with ME Camp

Published 2014-12-22.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing for me is that I get to create and essentially live in the world's that I create. I love to read. I also like to try to live in my favorite worlds. So often the writers tie everything up in nice little bow with very little wiggle room. But when it is my own writing, I can go back and play with the characters and situations all I want. I love that.
What are you working on next?
I'm still working on my MBI series. I am planning on getting some of poetry together for publishing. I am also working on a couple distopian novels. I have several ideas in my head. It's just a matter of getting them all on paper and written out.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite author above all is CS Lewis. I love not only the Chronicles of Narnia but his Christian theologies. I do really enjoy Cassandra Clare, Rick Roirdan, Laini Taylor, Robert Galbraith, JK Rowling, and of course Jane Austen, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Anne Bradstreet.
What's the story behind your latest book?
The latest book I'm getting ready to publish is called MBI. It is about the Monster Bureau of Investigations. It's basically a crime novel with the twist of werewolves and vampires. The story focuses around Mira whom is a werewolf. She discovers the body of her dead neighbor and this pulls her into the world of the MBI. Mind you this is written with a Christian flare, so there is no sex scenes or obscenities. However, I tried to write it so that it would appeal to Gothic and mystery/thriller readers all that the same time.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
This is actually a really good question. I was mainly motivated by the fact that literary agents were turning down my manuscript. It's hard to get your foot in the door of the literary world. I prayed and thought a lot about this before actually preparing to become an indie author. For the most part, my motivation now just get my book out there. I want people to read it. I want them to like it. More than anything, I want them to see the intricacies and love that I put into this work. If I have to indie publish first, that is fine with me. I mean, so many authors are getting discovered this way anyways.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
1. Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis : I love this book! I mean I really love it. It was written as a retelling of the story of Persephone and Eros. Lewis of course does an excellent job of it. I love it, because it is well written. It is a excellent read. But mainly, because I quote from it so often. I mean isn't that the essence of good book, one you quote because someone finally put down all you were feeling.

2. The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia) by CS Lewis : There is a scene at the end of this book where Lucy cries for Narnia. Suddenly the boys start pointing out that certain aspects of Narnia are there with them. It's this idea of heaven that I love. I makes me cry every time.

3. Persuasion by Jane Austen : This is such a well written story. But it's Jane Austen what do expect. I love the way that the story calls into question what is love. I also love the way she describes love there towards the end. The story reminds me so much of myself and my life, I can't help but adore it.

4. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer : Seriously, these are awesome books. I can't choose just one from the series. They are all so well written and adventurous. Marissa Meyer can really tell a story. Even one that you thought you'd heard a thousand times.

5. The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis : Again another quoter. This book is beautiful. I mean I would recommend this one over his A Grief Observed for anyone dealing with heartache. It really gets down to the issues. Plus, I makes me cry. CS Lewis, he speaks to my soul.
What do you read for pleasure?
I read just about anything for pleasure. I'm currently reading two books at once. One is fiction, the other is non-fiction. I like to read biographies. Something new that I discovered is nothing like a textbook. I also like reading about history. My favorite though is fiction. Historical fiction, science fiction, religious fiction, it all makes one beautiful subject to me.
Which character in your book do you most identify with?
I would have to say Mira. Her back story is a lot like my own. Plus, she is inquisitive and obsessive. She's kind of like a better version of myself.
How did you come up with this story line?
It actually started as just an idea. It was kind of like "what if there was an investigations bureau in our government that dealt exclusively with monsters?" I, then, took the idea to my dad. He helps me work out the rough edges and expand upon ideas. He's really good at seeing holes and story plots. It was a lot of discussion before putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.
Without giving away spoilers, what was your favorite scene in your book?
Well, I really like the scene that the agents, Kortney and Fillmore banter back and forth. Growing up in a cop house and spending time around cops, I got to see that side of the job a lot. I think a lot of people forget that police officers are basically just people whom joke and tease each other. There is a lot of action in the book. And there are some really good revelation scenes. However, I think the best one is still the banter with the agents. It really seems like a police department to me in that scene.
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Books by This Author

Visions Of The Rood
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 5,560. Language: English. Published: June 3, 2015 . Categories: Poetry » Spiritual
20 poems collected by ME Camp about the Cross and Christ. A spiritual journey, and heartfelt reflections on the cross, sin, sacrifice, the resurrection, and our eternal hope.
MBI: Monster Bureau Of Investigations
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 78,400. Language: English. Published: January 11, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Horror » Crime
Vampires and werewolves need justice and law as well, thus enter The Monster Bureau of Investigations.