Interview with King of Words

Published 2020-05-20.
Do you remember the first poem and first story you ever wrote?
The first poem I penned down was "Give Me a Sky to Fly!" and the first-written story was "Chor" ["চোর"] or "Thief". It was written in the Bangla language. The story revolves around the close-fisted life of a thief.
What is your writing process and did you publish any books other than your country?
I try my best to write everyday. At times, I can, at times can't. Be it a poem, story, or a nursery rhyme- I need to write. Writing has been a part of my life like a shadow. It does not even let any tension come closer to me. In a word, I get divine pleasure through writing.

Several of my books were published in America, England, and Germany!
How many books did you publish and how do you approach cover design?
I published 46 books.

Cover design to me is very important. A wonderfully-designed cover attracts the readers most. I personally make sure ever that the cover of my book should stand apart!
What do you read for pleasure?
I read any kind of books for pleasure. It can be a book of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and so on.
Did you win any award and what is your e-reading device of choice?
I won a literary award in my country. I would humbly like to state that I also received some other national and international recognition for my creative endeavours and these have been inspiring me in pursuing 'creativity' ceaselessly!

I am all for the printed books, to be honest! However, when it comes to e-reading, I prefer to read Pdf files of the books on my cell phone.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing and who is your most favourite writer?
I grew up in the village as well as in cities. The childhood spent in rural areas in my country Bangladesh has a lasting impression on my writing. No matter what I intend to write, the golden memories of my childhood are ever there. Indeed, I cannot also deny the influence that city-life exerts on me in my writing process. The hectic urban way of life, the complex human relationships here, and the rapid replacements of human emotions with technological gadgets and beyond find their expression in my writing also.

I have three favourite authors. I am extremely fond of Kazi Nazrul Islam, Rabindranath Tagore and William Shakespeare.
When did you first start writing?
I started writing Bangla nursery rhymes when I was 15. However, I began to write poetry, stories and other stuffs later.
Where are you from?
Well, I hail from Sylhet, Bangladesh. However, I am also from Chattogram from my mother's side!
Did you create or invent any new literary or poetic forms?
I created 6 poetic and literary forms. They are as follows-

1. "Poetenry" [Poems of Ten Lines].

2. "Kurine" [Poems of Twenty Lines].

3. "Haqueian Verse"- A new form of poetry created by me is called ‘Haqueian Verse’, which starts with a single word; it has five lines that contain ten words in total. The poem ends with a single word that rhymes with the first word.

4. "Poestory" [Poetry + Story]- A new genre of writing in literature that is created by blending two words i.e. poetry + story. In a word, it is a type of writing where a story has both the qualities of poetry and prose.

5. "Fiverse" [Five + Verse: Poems of Five Lines]- A new poetic form created or invented by me. In Bangla, it is called পাঁচপদী কবিতা. There are 5 lines and total 15 words in it. 1st line has 1 word; 2nd line has 2 words; 3rd line has 3 words; 4th line has 4 words and 5th line has 5 words. 1st line rhymes with the 2nd line; 3rd line is unrhymed; 4th and 5th lines rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme is: AABCC. There are no punctuation marks at the end of the lines.

6. "Tennet" [Poems of Ten Lines]- The word 'tennet' is a mixture of 'ten' and 'net'. The word 'net' is taken from 'sonnet'. The rhyme scheme is usually abab–cdcd–ee, which is nearly similar to the rhyme scheme of the English sonnet- abab–cdcd–efef–gg; sometimes, the rhyme scheme may also be abba–abba–cc that is almost similar to an Italian or Petrarchan sonnet!
Did you create or coin any new words?
Indeed! Here goes the list of the words that I created-

1. "Distant-author" [a writer who is currently a citizen of another country but writes about his motherland and its people, culture etc.]

2. "Prosaic-ideas" [ideas in brain appear in prosaic forms, they do not normally follow any metrical composition]

3. "Translation of Objects" [in literary works, objects can also be translated and mistranslated since they are considered as equivalents to something else],

4. "Post-postmodern Age" [the proposed name of the era after Post-modernism as the writer mentioned in a newspaper article], "Intentional Delay of Vision" [not seeing or avoiding the reality intentionally]

5. "Jealouty" [jealousy + beauty]- [a feeling of being jealous of another person's beauty or handsomeness; in Bangla, পরশ্রীকাতরতা]

6. "Inextrovert" [introvert + extrovert]- [a person who is normally quiet or shy and feels uneasy to talk to other people but sometimes becomes friendly and likes the company of others]

7. "Kidultnap" [kid + adult + nap]- [the action of taking away both kids and adults by force to detain them as prisoners and demand money from their family members for returning them]

8. "Foolligent" [fool + intelligent]- [a person who behaves foolishly sometimes but acts intelligently in certain circumstances; foolish but sometimes intelligent]

9. Defined the word "Simplex" in a new way- [Simple + Complex = Simplex]- [A problem or something else that seems simple but is complex actually]

10. "A Writer’s Religious Partiality" [A writer’s religious partiality becomes clear when he chooses the names of the characters for most of his stories, novels etc. from his own religion]

11. "Prosetic" [Prosaic + Poetic]- [A poem that is prosaic in form but looks poetic also since it has rhymes]

12. "Consequential Colonialism" [The names of places of the colonised countries that remind the local citizens about the colonial moments of the past]

13. "Smellwitness" [A person who has smelt something and is able to tell about it to others]

14. "Poeten"- [The poet who writes only ten-line-poems]

15. "Prosetry" [Prose + Poetry]- [Having the qualities of both prose and poetry]

16. "Death-vision in the Objects and Minor Accidents"- [Objects and minor accidents that sometimes indicate at bigger and terrible accidents where people may die]

17. “Murder Committed by Using Words and Gestures” [Iago drives Othello towards the point of insanity by spreading rumour about Desdemona. He suffers psychologically as his honour is at a stake and his self-respect is ruined. As a result, Othello murders his wife; Broadly, Iago commits the murder of Desdemona and Othello by using his cunning words and gestures.]

18. "Deathreat" or "Dethreat" [An expression of intention to murder someone; a threat by one person or a group of people to kill another person or group of people.]

19. "Philogy" [Philogy is a mixture of two words- Philosophy and Logic. It means the study of philosophy and logic at the same time. In other words, it is the branch of knowledge that deals with philosophy and logic.]

20. "Philogical" [Philogical is a mixture of two words- Philosophical and Logical. It means an idea, expression or thought that is philosophical and logical at the same time.]

21. "Medition" [Medition is a noun and verb. It is a mixture of two words- Medicine + Meditation. As a noun, it means the action or practice of meditating or meditioning by taking some friendly medicines or drugs that have no side-affects. It is the act of taking some legal or less harmful drugs and giving one's attention to only one thing as a way of becoming calm and relaxed. However, the drugs are not allowed in the religious meditations; as a verb, it means to take harmless drugs and think deeply about something. It also means to take drugs that have no side-affects and think calm thoughts in order to relax. However, drugs are not allowed in religious kinds of meditations.]

22. "Shakespeareius" [It is a noun and adjective; a mixture of two words- Shakespeare + Genius. As a noun, it means someone who has William Shakespeare's exceptional, intellectual or creative power in him; as an adjective, it means a person, ideas, writings, thoughts etc. have the qualities or characteristics of William Shakespeare or his writings]

23. "Songer" [A songer is a person who writes songs or lyrics. It also means a person who writes popular songs or the music for them.]

24. "Ellian" [The teachers, students, researchers, things etc. of English Language and Literature (ELL)]

25. "Chattogramian" [ A person from Chattogram, which is a port-city in Bangladesh. Belonging to or relating to Chattogram or its people. The city was previously called Chittagong.]

26. "Sporshophone" [That is what I call the ‘Touch Phone’ in Bangla]
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Books by This Author

মো. জিয়াউল হক প্রণীত ‘গল্পিতা’ [গল্প + কবিতা]
Price: Free! Words: 1,560. Language: Bengali. Published: May 20, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Poetry » Themes & motifs » Love
‘গল্পিতা’ হচ্ছে আমার দ্বারা উদ্ভাবিত সাহিত্যের একটি নতুন ধারা যেটির সৃষ্টি হয়েছে গল্প + কবিতা এই দুটি শব্দের সমন্বয়ে। এককথায়, এটি সেই ধরণের গল্প যেটিতে পদ্য এবং গদ্য দুটোর গুণাবলী বিদ্যমান। ইংরেজিতে এটিকে বলা হয়, Poestory [Poetry + Story]। এটি একটি কবিতা যেটি একটি গল্প বলে। ২০১৭ সালে "Poestory [Poetry + Story]: A New Literary Form Created by Md. Ziaul Haque" এই নামে আমার একটি বই প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল।