Interview with Nancy Sartor

Published 2014-11-12.
What do you read for pleasure?
I read romance, suspense, thrillers, mainstream. I'm not a short story person. They feel like an appetizer and I like a full meal.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Kindle gal here. I have a complete library in my Kindle. The entire collection weights 8 ounces. While we were in Hawaii, the ocean claimed my Kindle Paperwhite. I'm using an older version until my new one gets here.
Describe your desk
My "desk" is a leather recliner. It sits in my den. Outside my windows are the swimming pool backed by red oak trees and deep blue sky. My computer is on a lap board. One of my two Maine Coon cats is usually curled up on the footrest. Depending on the hour, I have a cup of coffee, a cup of tea or a glass of water by my elbow.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I am one of those very rare native Nashvillians. Nashville's full of creative energy (and not just for country music. We have a full symphony orchestra, an opera company and ballet). My mother was an avid reader who tried her hand at writing and while she was never published, her attempts made being published seem possible to me.
When did you first start writing?
I wrote as a child, entered contests in grade school.
What's the story behind your latest book?
I woke about three a.m. one morning. On my way to the bathroom, a voice whispered in my ear, "Hi. My name's Neva and I fix the faces of the dead." I closed the bathroom door to keep from waking my husband and whispered, "Cool. What *else* do you do?"
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
My novel BONES ALONG THE HILL is for sale on Smashwords
What do your fans mean to you?
Without fans, we're really just talking to ourselves, right?
What are you working on next?
I am working on a paranormal entitled BLESSED CURSE. Jorie Wainright is pregnant at a time in her life when being pregnant isn't a good idea, but when a ghost tries to kill the unborn child, Jorie realizes what the child actually means to her and uses everything she has to protect the unborn. It's set in Rugby, Tennessee, a very unique historic district high in the Tennessee mountains.
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