Interview with Panos Kalaigidis

Published 2014-11-02.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy is creating, giving form to the story as it forms in my head, and sharing it.
When did you first start writing?
I first started writing for my Pen and Paper Role Playing Group. It is quite demanding, because the story has to be at least believable and draw the players into it. It was then i got my first favourable respnses to me writing.
What is your writing process?
As I am trying to effectively create a new world, I first of all try to form the background, set the tone, and the characters. Background includes anything from personality traits of various characters to locations, and research about places, technology, and of course writing down anything that might come into my head.Then i make a skeleton for the book, the basis, upon which the actuall book begins to take form.
What's the story behind your latest book?
It is the story of two brothers in a Post Apocalyptic scifi setting,and how they begun to explore the world. But it is a cruel world, where technology sometimes simulates magic, and information about the past a very well hidden, almost forgotten series of facts, even by those who claim to have humanity's best interests at heart. It is the first of several books.
Who are your favorite authors?
Michael Moorcock, Dan Abnet, Simon Spurrier, H.P. Lovecraft, E.A Poe
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Unemployment for one. But the biggest motivation is the joy of sharing the journey of my characters with the public.
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