Interview with Tm Van de kaap

Published 2020-07-06.
What do you read for pleasure?
In my downtime I enjoy reading philosophical works, religious texts, and learning about different cultures. I find it fascinating how similar people's are. I am also a firm believer in spiritual connection and healing energies.
Describe your desk
On my desk is my device, a diffuser and a cup of Rooibos tea :) I am blessed
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up under an oppressive regime in an area that was allocated for people of my colour. There was limited opportunities and constant fear of prosecution for little reason other than it was allowed to happen to people who were not white. It was illegal for our people to get ahead so the area was poor and people struggled to make ends meet. This legacy of poverty remained when the transition came because there was no reparations for people of my nation. There is no level playing field when the family has to survive and so the next meal is the constant worry and tertiary education is a dream beyond reach unless one undertakes prolific debt and even so, with the legacy of poverty, few even qualified for the debt to cover tertiary costs. That harsh reality breeds tenacious, versatile people. The struggles nurtures strength. Survivors make the best warriors. And workers.
When did you first start writing?
In the year 2000 I started writing news pieces on sports development that was accredited to "staff reporter" :)
I wrote a paper on youth participation and sports development for an International Performance in Sports Conference in 2002.
I wrote articles for national sports and women's magazines.
I then focused on my family and my cultural research. I wrote cultural pieces for cultural groups online.
With the world changing dramatically due to coronavirus, and perceptions of outsiders becoming less tolerant, it was time to put a human touch to the story of migration and oppression and to start to connect cultures and communities through humanity
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Needing to raise awareness. Also having the topics chosen be considered taboo still in my home country because the Information is still restricted. Government sanctions commissioned opinion pieces and its heralded as fact even when it's contrary to archival records and scientific finds. One had to bypass the propoganda somehow and get the truth out. Toa Tama! Khams ge... The struggle continues
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
It is an excellent platform. Easy to navigate and with comprehensive network. Writings like mine would not make it to mainstream knowledge were it not for Smashwords
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
It is very cathartic having actually lived through some of the things I write about. My writings are just the tip of the iceberg of things we have experienced so it's a process of closure. It's also invigorating to know the truth is getting out and it's an indescribable feeling of peace to think that one is connecting with someone like-minded in the world.
What do your fans mean to you?
Fans are like family. Stories appeal to people because it resonates with them. That means that my readers have experienced similar or are interested in. We are kindred spirits and that makes us family
What are you working on next?
A series on tribal symbolism. It is part of my goal to connect cultures and communities and so I am connecting the dots between nations through the upcoming works
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My children. They are my greatest achievement and I am extremely proud of the little people that they are. My husband... He is just such a sensitive soul and he does get taken advantage of sometimes by energy leeches but he always bounces back and tries for better but still holds his essence. And nature. The fact that God has created a new day and set out weather. The power of nature fascinates me and inspires me.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
Researching cultural and spiritual works. Moderating cultural community organisations. Enjoying my family by creating new memories. Supporting my children in their educational and sports pursuits. Relaxing in nature.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.