Interview with Виктория Угрюмова

Published 2019-02-02.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I like to create worlds where I'ld prefer to live myself if it is possible. The next joy - the great possibility to remember all those people, things and events of past life. Sometimes you are the last one, the only and unique witness: and sometimes only you can tell that these people once existed, what they felt - and thus express my respect, reverence for them. Because we are alive till that time when somebody tells about us and this way speaks in our favour with God. I write for someone in the heavens, hoped, for his (or her) smile when he (or she) notifies, that their life was not lived to no purpose.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Life as it is. The joy of being. I know for sure that the meaning of life lies in life itself because in its absence all other meanings are cancelled by themselves
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
Our family has been living in Kiev since 1850; I was born and raised here - in a fabulous corner of the city, in a house near an ancient temple with five-meter lions at the entrance and gryphons on the roof. I keep stories not only half a century ago, relating to my life; I have a huge borrowed memory belonging to those who lived, loved and died in this city 170, 150, 100 years ago. And often these stories about Kiev and Kiev; about houses and those who lived in them, about parks and those who walked in them; about fountains, museums, shops and cafes turns out to be fuller and more fun than numerous texts about the city, published in various books and on various websites. I am sorry to take them away with me, I want to let them go travelling around the world - so that someone, except me, will forever remember the city drowning in verdure and its inhabitants with their great and sad fate, laugh and cry over their adventures, and then tell them something else and thus saved from non-existence. I will talk about life woven from memories and dreams.
Do you often dream of what would be "if" ...
Unlike grammar, life does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. “If” - this means “Never Again”
What is your writing process?
Very simple. At first, I live - it is a long and irreversible process that cannot be accelerated. Life gives me experience. From this experience of past years, I take impressions, comprehend them, and from them, a new world is born. When it becomes so tangible that I know by heart every house, tree, stump and path in the forest, my characters settle in it. They live, love, fight and die. And I write down. This is how fiction is written. And non-fiction books require not only living life but also devoting some part of it to the in-depth study of the subject about which you will write
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